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Topic: Review of Audition 2.0  (Read 795 times)
« on: May 15, 2006, 10:21:28 PM »
Bobbsy Offline
Posts: 424

There's a fairly detailed (and pretty positive) review of 2.0 in AudioMedia magazine this month (the May issue).  I get the paper version, but I believe you can subscribe to an online version at


Good sound is the absence of bad sound.
Reply #1
« on: May 15, 2006, 11:57:52 PM »
ronmac Offline
Do Not Adjust Your Set Posts: 53

I just subscribed on-line (digital version only available outside Europe) and see that the latest E-version is for April.

Thanks for the link Bobbsy, it's a nice looking mag.
Reply #2
« on: May 16, 2006, 09:31:15 PM »
Wildduck Offline
Posts: 518

Although the review was generally positive, I felt it was pretty disappointing.

What was his main opening point, about it only playing the highlighted area in previous incarnations, all about? He seems not to have known how the buttons worked on the older CE versions.

And why did it give only the bundled prices? Made it look much more expensive than it really is.
Reply #3
« on: May 17, 2006, 12:57:46 AM »
Bobbsy Offline
Posts: 424

Yeah, I also thought most of the guy's criticism of the "old" Audition just revealed his lack of familiarity with the software.  I almost gave up after the first few paragraphs, but thought it got better.

As for the prices, I can only assume those came from Adobe...who decided to push the whole package for some reason.  There's an easily missed mention that you can buy individual components but, considering the reviewer is playing up how inexpensive Audition is compared to other products, you'd think they'd list the Audition-only price.


Good sound is the absence of bad sound.
Reply #4
« on: May 24, 2006, 10:57:59 AM »
sikter Offline
Posts: 11

I was too critical in the beginning to AA 2,0. I was screaming why did they change that why didn't change some other stuff etc.
Now, after I’ve got used it for a while I LOVE IT.
There were a few previous project which I started in AA 1,5 and when I saw they wouldn’t open just like that without any adjustments in new version I decided to finish them in AA 1,5 as well. In the meantime I had my AA 2,0 test projects.
Yesterday I started my first serious project in AA 2,0.   Wou! What a mixing panel. Automation! I need to learn about mastering rack but I have plenty of time for that. It is impossible to me to think about going back to AA 1,5.

Audition 2,0 rocks!
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