K. folks, it doesn't take 3 people to give a warning.

Anyhow as to the *topic* at hand. Thomson is evil, their licensing is vague and legally untenable. It is the subject of great debate on other busy forums but suffice to say Ogg is superior in terms of audio quality, offers same file size benefits, has none of the legal hassles, and is rapidly being adopted by all the major audio apps. I publish to Ogg all the time from Audition. Sound forge et all support Ogg too. Very easy to implement in fact.
At first I was reluctant to change because I got so conditioned to MP3 and who wants to change something if they don't have to right? But I'm glad I did, the Oggs are noticeably superior and I sleep much better not supporting the evil doers at Thomson. Anyone who doesn't believe the issues about Thomson, hit Google for a few minutes, you'll see what I mean. Truly evil, they've ruined any semblance of good faith the industry once had for nothing. Formula for success Thomson style, give something away and once people start using it go, "A-ha!" and sue them blue...