I also like hitting the preset keys to move my faders from ch1-8 to 9-16 etc. My only issue is that the bcf gives no indication of where it is. I would love to see this info pop up on the little display.
I believe this is an Audition issue. The display
does indicate bank info in Reaper - it shows the number of the leftmost track on the display.
While on the subject of BCF/Audition/Reaper, in Audition the BCF pan controls don't work until you press the BCF's Edit button (pan enable). This is a minor irritation which I thought was a BCF issue, but there's no such requirement with Reaper. Reaper also allows a press on the pan control to reset pan to centre.
...I'm wanting more functions...
I think Chris is absolutely right here. Initially, I wanted to be able to do as much as possible with the BCF, however, once I got used to it I found that transport, faders, pan, track mute and solo provide all the functionality I really need.
The MCSo mode seems to work best with Audition 2, providing the functions that I use very smoothly. The other issue with Audition is not being able to program the track buttons. Audition appears to provide the means, but the functions don't change. I suppose it doesn't matter
too much as I have the BCF beside my computer keyboard with which I use hotkeys.