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Sticky Topic Topic: Undocumented (or Underdocumented) Features  (Read 21459 times)
« on: January 02, 2005, 09:49:37 PM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

I'd like to create a collection of undocumented or underdocumented features.  As starters, here are two (related) links about an undocumented feature.

If you know of other such links, or as you may run across them, please post them here.  Or - if you know of any undocumented or underdocumented features, please post a description (along with keystrokes used) here.  I'm assuming any such tips that one might get from the Adobe Audition forum would be fair game to include here, but perhaps the Moderators should give a final word on that (probably should provide a link to the Adobe forum post rather than quoting verbatim from it).  I would also think that any info posted here should be sharable with the Adobe Audition forum.

At some point, we can edit the info contained in this topic (like we would need to edit the info in the two links I provided) so that we are left with a concise and to-the-point Tips-and-Tricks-style document.

If I'm the only one interested in this topic, then it will surely die a deserved natural death.  But I will bump it for a while if necessary.
Reply #1
« on: January 03, 2005, 11:18:27 AM »
ozpeter Offline
Posts: 2327

There was that neat method for recording something and at the same time playing it back with a large delay.  I used the word "elegant" in the thread somewhere.  Actually, that's a word worth searching for as I do tend to trot it out when someone posts a particularly neat solution to a problem.  The other one is "forum wall".

[The post I have in mind had a title of "Here's a good challenge"].

[See  ]
Reply #2
« on: January 03, 2005, 10:27:57 PM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

When I started this topic, I was thinking mainly of listing here those functions one can perform within CEP/AA that a user wouldn't necessarily discover by reading the Help file or the Manual (the "Indent" feature, for example).  However, Ozpeter's post demonstrates that we should probably broaden the subject matter to include "neat things that you can do with CEP/AA that are maybe not immediately obvious".

Thanks for the link Peter.  It's an interesting read.  I did a quick search on "forum wall" as you suggested (don't have a lot of time for looking at the moment).  Didn't find the phrase "forum wall" - but I did find this:

(Something about Lilly Tomlin and big chairs comes to mind.)

For the curious types, the gif came from here - which is also an interesting read, but completely off the topic of this thread:
Reply #3
« on: January 03, 2005, 11:39:00 PM »
groucho Offline
Posts: 1417

Because of the way I generally have my MT view sized, I never had any idea there was an EQ "A/B" button until Karl mentioned discovering it awhile back.

That might qualify as one that's not immediately obvious.

Reply #4
« on: January 03, 2005, 11:58:00 PM »
zemlin Offline
Posts: 2883


That one came to mind for me as well, but it is pretty clearly documented in the AA 1.5 manual.

Reply #5
« on: January 04, 2005, 09:23:14 PM »
MusicConductor Offline
Posts: 1747

Two words:

Easter Eggs!

Reply #6
« on: January 05, 2005, 12:53:41 AM »
Graeme Offline
Posts: 2363


Quote from: MusicConductor
Easter Eggs! wink

Which are undocumented by design  Cool .

Reply #7
« on: January 05, 2005, 06:29:18 AM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

MC, I assume you were joking, but...  It might be useful to pull into one topic/thread all of the relevant comments that have been made about the Easter Egg process.  Question do arise from time to time, and it would be useful to have one location to refer the questioner to.  Thanks for including that idea here.  And when are we going to be able to drive on your parking lot again??? Sad  Maybe by Easter?
Reply #8
« on: January 05, 2005, 10:00:33 AM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 10094

Quote from: bonnder
MC, I assume you were joking, but...  It might be useful to pull into one topic/thread all of the relevant comments that have been made about the Easter Egg process.  Question do arise from time to time, and it would be useful to have one location to refer the questioner to.

Trouble is, this is honour-bound to be a rather cryptic process, implying that too much detail shouldn't be given - so crossing the eyes and dotting the teas really isn't on...  cheesy

Reply #9
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:10:06 PM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

Understood.  But if one does a search, one can find multiple threads where vague comments are made.  I was only referring to pulling those vague comments together into one spot.
Reply #10
« on: January 05, 2005, 10:28:00 PM »
MusicConductor Offline
Posts: 1747

Yes, I was joking.  But this is a good idea, so long as I don't give any more away than is already blown.  Therefore, I'd rather leave the clues in their original context, and post some links here.  It's fair to say that the fun begins in the context of the Help/About screen, where the eggs are in the eye of the beholder.  Then, credit is given where credit is due, which can lead to Red Rover fun, which now I know doesn't necessarily require Red Rover.  For another discussion which hints at further eggs, here's a link.  And the most subtle of eggs, so subtle that I can't remember the last time I've encountered it, is discussed here.

Our parking lot?  Well, part of it is gone forever, and all the construction was supposed to be finished in time for the Christmas Concert.  You're right, Bonnder, that Easter is more like it!  And the rain's not helping!
Reply #11
« on: January 06, 2005, 05:25:08 AM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

So - concerning parking lots and updates to Audition and Easter Eggs:  all good things come to those who wait?? wink
Reply #12
« on: January 06, 2005, 05:12:23 PM »
MusicConductor Offline
Posts: 1747

LOL!  (Besides, if waiting were the only thing necessary to receive all good things...)

Another recent thread raises an EQ question, to which Steve dragged up David Johnston's helpful explanation of the various kinds of EQ available in CEP/AA.  While some of David's information can be found in the help files, I don't find anyplace where it is presented so succinctly and clearly as this.  How about adding David's paragraphs into an EQ introduction page ?
Reply #13
« on: January 10, 2005, 12:26:21 PM »
gcdeluxe Offline
Posts: 31


Ok, here's another obscure feature, I believe this is now documented, but it's tucked away so one could be forgiven for never noticing it.

If you open the freq. analysis window in edit view, then dock it (it has to be docked), then right click the docking bar, you will have the option to toggle display of the note corresponding to the current frequency. You may have to then undock or stretch the window to actually be able to see the "big note" display.

The same method (ie. dock then right click) also brings up 3 extra options in the phase analysis window, but I think this is Audition-specific.  You can turn on pencil mode, for manual drawing(!) of phase information and activate and adjust the other phase view mode "Spin".

Reply #14
« on: February 19, 2005, 11:57:04 AM »
gcdeluxe Offline
Posts: 31


You can alt-click or ctrl-click envelope points in multitrack view:

Alt-click = adjust all envelope points by same absolute amount.
Ctrl-click = adjust all envelope points by same percentage.

Yes this one IS documented, but for me this was such a case of "I can't believe I never noticed this before" that I had to mention it.  Not sure whether to feel pleased for having noticed this at last, or stupid for having missed it for so long embarassed I'm guessing this nifty little tool was added when they added the "Rescale Volume Envelopes" feature.

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