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Locked Topic Topic: Audition and Mutli-Core Processors  (Read 90 times)
« on: April 06, 2009, 05:26:04 PM »
The FAQ Wizard Offline
Posts: 27

Audition will use multiple cores to obtain enhanced performance under depending on what the program is currently doing.

Almost all FFT-based operations will exhibit a strong increase in speed when using multi-core processors or multiple cpu's. What this actually means in practice is that they run rather more efficiently using multiple cores, and rather inefficiently on a single-core machine - so the apparent increase in performance is really the removal of decreased performance, rather than the other way around. It's still a big improvement, though...

In addition, the multitrack engine will begin utilizing multiple cores when the ASIO buffer size is 1024 samples or greater. The developers tried optimizing it for smaller buffer sizes, however the performance suffered as the audio buffers were coming faster than they could be cached and delivered to the different processing threads.

So, real-time, low latency recording and editing won't see a dramatic improvement, but for editing, mixing, and restoration, where a miniscule buffer size is not as mandatory, you should definitely see improvements.
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