I'm having problems with my ML1 and the people at NTI America seem to think it's normal behavior...
Well, I have to say that what they are saying sounds about correct to me too as far as the results go, but there are different things going on than has been suggested - possibly than the NTI rep realises, judging from what he's actually said. Unfortunately I can only tell you about the AL1, and it does rather more, and different, measurements. But as far as I can tell, it does them absolutely correctly, and I don't see why the ML1 would be any different from this POV. First, the actual definitions:
Pink Noise (aka 1/F noise) - the power spectral density is proportional to the reciprocal of the frequency - hence the aka. This means that there is equal energy in all octaves. The energy level falls with higher octaves at -3dB/octave. Because the number of Hz/octave doubles each time you go up one, there are more individual frequencies to disperse the energy in, so each displayed one has less in it.
White Noise has a flat power spectral density, so there is equal power in any band, at any centre frequency. Since there are more possible bands the higher we go, then the more energy there is in an octave's worth.[/list:u]
FFT's look at a large number of equal width bands across the spectrum, so an FFT of white noise gives a level display - which is what you would see in Audition. But if you use the Real Time Analysis (RTA) function, this displays in 1/3 octave bands of equal width (but with each one having more energy in it as they get higher), so the result is displayed differently. With the RTA, white noise accordingly slopes
up at 3dB/octave. So, this has nothing to do with anything except the display mode, which is probably one you are not used to. And it really is as simple as that.
And it follows then, that the RTA of Pink noise will give you a level displayed result, and the FFT of Pink Noise will slope downwards.
This is exactly what the AL1 displays - I checked. As far as response times are concerned, this is also a function of what happens when you do real-time
or FFT analysis - the lower the frequency, the longer it takes to compute, because the results come in more slowly! That's just the way it is, and there's nothing anybody can do about it. The display might be lagging, but the information is essentially correct when it gets there, I think you'll find.
This reaction delay is also the reason that a lot of digital filters are rather less good at LF than they are at HF, certainly in real-time.