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Topic: THe best way to increase voice recording volume using an AT 2020 usb mic?  (Read 270 times)
« on: December 04, 2011, 03:54:18 PM »
Blue_Devil1 Offline
New Member
Posts: 2

I appologize in advance if this is a breech of protocol.

I had been doing voice overs using Audition 3.0 (xppro with quad core AMD) and a Realtek sound card to which I had attatched a cheap mic.  The mic broke and I had heard of the AudioTechnica AT 2020 usb mic so I posted at another forum because I wasn't sure the usb mic would work with Audition.

Steve G suggested I use Alesis Multi-Mix 4 USB, but unfortunately, I had already ordered the USB AT2020 already.  Anyway, I was able to configure Audition so I could record using  the AT2020.  

I am using the Audition driver.
However, the volume is low and I am looking for the best way to increase the recording volume.
I was thinking of several possibilities 1.  In the edit mode (which is where I made the original recording). I could select the entire wave form and turn up the volume using the volume control "circle"  
2.  I could use Hard Limiting
3.  I could use the multiband compressor and increase the output gain if necessary (I use the Broadcast preset).

I was wondering what is the best way to increase the volume of the recording or is there someway to set Audition to record louder so I wouldn't have to use one of the effects?
As aside, would downloading ASIO4all and selecting that as the driver improve the volume.  
I would apreciate any help.  Thanks in advance.
John Rich
Reply #1
« on: December 04, 2011, 06:21:07 PM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 10094

Audition only records what the sound device gives it - it has no control whatsoever over the recording level. Initially the best approach to this (short of doing what I suggested in the first place!) would be to normalize your file to about -1dB. That guarantees no clipping. The on-screen volume control doesn't guarantee this at all, because you rely on the screen display to adjust it, and when zoomed out you don't necessarily see all the peaks. Anything else you do, like compression or limiting should be done after you've done this.

I'd sell the USB mic on ebay, and put the money towards a mixer with a non-USB mic!

Reply #2
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:27:15 PM »
Graeme Online
Posts: 2363


To add to what SteveG has said, you should uinderstand that once you have achieved a recording where the peaks are at or just below the OdbFS point, the recording is as 'loud' as it is ever going to be - any further increase will merely result in clipping and distortion.  The only way to make it appear louder is to use compression/limiting, etc., to raise the RMS level of the recording.

Reply #3
« on: December 06, 2011, 12:38:40 AM »
Blue_Devil1 Offline
New Member
Posts: 2

Thanks for your help.  I'll give it a go with the Multi Mix.

John Rich
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