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Topic: Audition 2 not showing Tranzport controller  (Read 636 times)
« on: May 19, 2011, 01:08:36 PM »
kruegs Offline
New Member
Posts: 3

Hi, I've never posted on a forum before so bare with me.. 
Having major problems getting Adobe Audition 2 to show my Tranzport in the 'external control device' menu.
Done all driver and plug-in installs word by word, binded the unit & receiver, done the test in the Tranzport and everything seems it should work.
AA2 is showing it in the midi in/out menu's and I've selected it everywhere I can.

So basically the issues
- not showing in 'external control device' menu ( only shows Mackie control)
- only basic transport buttons, rec-mute-solo & jog wheel work.
- no info displaying on the Tranz.. screen ( I have adjusted contrast, and 'battery' etc. shows o.k )
- pc win xp
- motu 828 mk2
- Adobe Audition 2
IF anyone has any words of wisdom it would save a few more hairs from going grey. 
cheers !
Reply #1
« on: May 19, 2011, 01:23:09 PM »
jamesp Offline
Posts: 467


Doesn't the Tranzport emulate a Mackie Control unless you tell it to do otherwise? I must admit that I've not tried mine with Audition.


JRP Music Services
Alresford, Hampshire UK
Audio Mastering, Duplication and Restoration
Reply #2
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:06:27 AM »
kruegs Offline
New Member
Posts: 3

I wish it would. I do have it set to the 'Mackie control' otherwise no buttons work. But still on 'mackie' setting its only basic transport/jog wheel, rec/mut/solo.  Still no shift or other buttons and no display.
Reply #3
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:19:44 AM »
Wildduck Online
Posts: 824

Yes, I think that's all that works under Mackie Control with my Tascam FW-1884 as well. This is a "feature" that Adobe have never really sorted, and has now disappeared completely from the latest version of Audition.

The limited features can be useful, though. It's a bit of a tragedy that it never quite worked well enough to become the selling point it should have been.
Reply #4
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:03:52 AM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 10094

Yes, I think that's all that works under Mackie Control with my Tascam FW-1884 as well. This is a "feature" that Adobe have never really sorted, and has now disappeared completely from the latest version of Audition. have all controllers. But this is almost certainly only a temporary situation.

Reply #5
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:57:19 AM »
ryclark Offline
Posts: 650

It certainly should work. I have it running with both AA 1.5 & 3. Are you sure that you have copied the "TranzPort.cv2" file into Audition 2's program folder. After booting AA 2 and it is plugged in then it should appear as "Tranzport" in the drop down in Audition's External Controller page.
Reply #6
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:03:06 AM »
kruegs Offline
New Member
Posts: 3

Yes, finally got it going. When I put the plug from Fronteir in the AA 2 program folder it was still in its 'Tranzport" folder. I took the file out of that folder and just dumped it in with all the other AA2 plugs and drivers and it all came to life, everything working fine. One of those silly little technicalities I didn't pick up on. The Fronteir support were very responsive and asked me for a screen shot of where the plug file was actually sitting which got me thinking etc.... so relieved. 
Thanks everyone for their thoughts and advice
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