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Topic: Audition Session Import/Export Translator - Now with PT support  (Read 55456 times)
Reply #210
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:20:43 PM »
jamesp Offline
Posts: 467


Isn't it time Adobe buys this thing from you and adds it into the next version of Audition, then pays you $20 for every copy they sell?   wink

I hope not - I rather like the timely updates.


JRP Music Services
Alresford, Hampshire UK
Audio Mastering, Duplication and Restoration
Reply #211
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:36:53 PM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 10094

I think that James makes a good point there!

Reply #212
« on: August 17, 2010, 06:11:04 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Hmmmm I like the idea of the $20 bucks a copy and not having to do an update for a year or three  evil

Could we make it $25 - I have habits to support  grin

Reply #213
« on: August 17, 2010, 09:18:30 PM »
MusicConductor Offline
Posts: 1747

I think that James makes a good point there!

Dearie me, yes.  Adobe can post an update for Reader every couple of weeks (it seems) but Audition runs years.  Considering the business model, that's not surprising.  BUT hadn't thought of it when I posted -- thank you James.
Reply #214
« on: October 14, 2010, 04:05:53 AM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Its been a fair while since our last release but we have been extremely busy so its probably opportune to let everyone know where we are at.

Firstly, there have been some fairly significant changes to AAT and in preparation for release v3.4 we have contacted all currently registered users confirming their registration and contact details.

Version 3.4 will be available in the next few days to registered users via FTP download so if you are a registered user and have NOT yet been contacted then IT WOULD BE WISE to contact us with your registration details ASAP.

A demo version of v3.4 will probably be available a bit further down the track but we have greater priorities at present.  In the meantime potential buyers can always contact us for a conversion from one format to another.

As at right now we are able to export all supported formats to OMF (due to Ron Novy's herculean effort!) and we can import practically all PT7 sessions (more work yet to be done).

This functionality along with additional formats (eg SAW) is expected to be the backbone of v3.5 (but will probably be called v4.0) and should only be a few weeks away.

As we are not a registered charity the bad news is that we expect to raise the price of the $99 version (as well as the upgrade price) at the end of October.

The good news is that ALL users with the $99 version as at the end of October will get this upgrade for FREE as we try our best to support those that have supported us.

So this is a heads up that if you purchased AATranslator for $59 or even $39 and you think that you may need the full version in the future then you should probably get on board before the end of October.

Reply #215
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:11:07 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


We released version 3.4 yesterday morning and all registered users should have been contacted by now with the location of the download.

There is currently no demo version for this release - the current demo version (v3.3) should be sufficient at this point to determine the value of the application.

We currently have a number of new formats being tested for version 4.0.
PT7 continues to be tested for v4.0 and OMF export functionality draws closer to completion.
(Yes our latest beta reads PT 7 files and writes OMF files)

Reply #216
« on: October 21, 2010, 07:58:03 AM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


I have posted an updated version (v3.4.03)

1.   Error splitting 24 bit files which contain a 'junk' chunk prior to the 'data' chunk
2.   The 'Send Output to....Folder containing source OMF' state now saves on exit
3.   If selecting the 'Append' function with this OMF state set on an informative message is displayed
4.   The 'hidden' Mac file produced when creating Mac PT5 output is no longer hidden
5.   Now correctly handles RPP files which have a "<SOURCE SECTION"
6.   Now correctly handles RPP files containing mp3 files - "<SOURCE MP3"

It is posted in the same location

We have had some very promising work done getting PT to read AATranslator markers (PT actually reads them but with a few minor problems) - more on that as work progress.

OMF is working but Ron being the perfectionist that he is is aiming to get track automation working for our first release of OMF

Reply #217
« on: November 24, 2010, 03:35:53 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Been busy.

Just an update :- Have just converted a PT8 session.

Still lots more to do - cater for video, aux, midi tracks etc

Its getting there - more progress and testing of AAT OMF expected soon

If anyone wants to send me a PT9 session file (no media) I would really like to check it out - I'm that sort of guy

Reply #218
« on: November 29, 2010, 04:38:39 AM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Its getting nearly time for another significant release.

PT7&8 import is looking very solid - I'm sure there are some warts in there but they probably wont surface until after we release (as usual).
OMF should now have track automation (vol & pan) as well as handling wav & aif. Just waiting on fades to be finalised.
Have just started adding routing conversion - eg busses first with AA/CEP & reaper and then adding aothers.

Reply #219
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:14:18 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Just had too much on to get on top of all this, however....

Ron Novy's OMF extension to AATranslator now creates OMFs!
It caters for both embedded & reference OMFs using either aif or wav

Well done Ron!

PT7, 8 & 9 are all looking stable but no doubt we will tweak these versions over a few roll outs.

Just got to get time to kick this thing out the door.

Reply #220
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:47:05 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Well I did say that we would get this beast out on Xmas eve and while it is nearly 4 hours into my Xmas day its still Xmas eve somewhere in the world and that’s my excuse.

Version 4.0 is now available

Reply #221
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:56:32 PM »
ryclark Offline
Posts: 650

Well done. A Happy and Restful? Christmas. smiley
Reply #222
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:00:54 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Been busy  - not much rest although I have gained a bit of time by finding my Adobe forum access deactivated a couple of weeks ago  tongue

Lots of mods mainly around the OMF export and PTF import - new update very soon.

Reply #223
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:30:07 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Been busy working on latest beta (v4.0.48).
Currently reading SAW Studio EDLs and that is progressing well.
Lots of other goodies being added as well

Reply #224
« on: March 01, 2011, 12:24:15 PM »
runaway Offline
Posts: 655


Still loitering in the bushes

We have been about to do a release for a couple of weeks and everytime we get it ready its 'just add this one thing"... which is the equivalentof pulling a thread on a jumper - LOL

Lots of fixes/add ons for CMX and SAW. Added buss import/export for aa1.5 and other formats

Did I mention lots of small fixes?

Improved PT 7/8/9 support

We have a couple of other surprise apps we are working on as well - more later

New version will be announced very soon - I think we have passed our planned version 4.1 as our beta is at v4.1.17


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