I will be pretty straight about this. Have we bitten off more than we can chew?
I didn't think so until we really go started and the hole we started to dig our way out of just seemed to get bigger.
Most of the stumbling blocks are that each DAW has a lot in common with every other DAW but they each have their special thing that they do. There is a spec/standard that most DAWS (try to) comply with, But this is a bit dumbed down in order to have 'common' ground in order to pass back & forward.
Myself & John have already spent weeks on this thing and I mean lots of hours almost every day and there is still lots to do.
The current plan is that we will provide a donationware version (mind you to date this hasn't been real succesful and I'm sure that not everyone who owns AA is Scotish

) and a version that has all the bells & whistles for a (modest) price.
What features are in each, what price etc are really of little concern at the moment as we try to pump in as many features and get around all the crazy things that some of the other convertors & DAWS do.
Garage Band is certainly not on our current list and I'm pretty sure that GB doesn't import OMF or XML projects?
It might help us if others AA users gave an indication which other DAWS they have to interact with.
Ideally Iwe would like a version out there which didn't need to communicate with any other app including ProConvert which requires a lot of $$$ but in the short term that is just way too much work. Besides that I'd rather not be sending business their way.
We are keen to get a working version out asap hopefully with the AA merge & AA import functions in the first version
Anyway there's more code to cut, more testing and more bourbon to be consumed and its only 5am
PS If I can get a Scotsman to part with some pennies then I'm impressed