the Inauguration the other day - now revealed to have been pre-recorded).
Did something happen? Can't say that I'd noticed myself....
On the same technical subject though, we went to see
EGBDF the other week. Have a look at the second to last para. of the review, and bear in mind that this is in the Olivier (good acoustic from the stage). I'm amazed that the reviewer didn't pick up exactly how 'integrated' the orchestra really were, although you could hardly avoid it at the end - but a lot of the cues they played were prerecorded, and indoors, in a relatively dry acoustic it was actually
very hard to tell a lot of the time - really good PA.
The real give-away was at the end though - orchestra starts to play for real, but they are being led from a track with relatively few instruments in. And gradually they leave the stage, whilst the music continues with more and more replaced instruments in the backing track - until the live players have all gone! The whole production, which looks very impressive in the theatre, only lasts an hour but it was well worth it - just for the sound and light show.
And I must say that for live orchestral music, the Olivier stage in the National Theatre sounds a
lot better than the absolutely appalling stage in the Barbican Centre does - even though the latter has had a fortune spent on it. And in the Olivier, you can even have the luxury of spinning the orchestra around!