Last night I went to help some friends get a project out of an Akai DPS16 and into a PC. After a little poking around I discovered that with the correct firmware version the Akai will export to wav files. So off we go....export a song project, 16 tracks, from the Akai to an attached CD burner. Move the CD to the big wav file. Having never dealt with multichannel wavs before I'm hoping this will work out.
My friend doesn't have Audition, but uses N-Track. So I open N-Track and drag the big file from the Akai right onto the multitrack window. Lo and behold...N-Track automatically extracts all sixteen tracks, writes them to individual wav files in the source directory, and places them on tracks in the project in the correct order. Woo Hoo!
For kicks I copy a couple of the big song files for myself and bring them home just to see how Audition will handle them. I mean if a $50 shareware app like N-Track can handle a task so gracefully one would think my beloved Audition might do the same. One would be wrong.
If I drag the multichannel wav file onto the multitrack window in Audition it will extract all the individual files to individual tracks. However, won't put them in the correct order. It numbers the clips beginning with single digits then places the double digit numbers first. Ie- 10-16 come before 2-9. It doesn't assign a clip number to the first track. Unlike N-Track it also doesn't write the tracks back out to individual wav files. Lastly, after getting all the tracks in the correct order and named I saved the session. Now Audition picks a wav (one channel of the multi) and asks me if I want to save the changes. I haven't made any changes! Then to add insult to injury the save dialog comes up defaulted to save as a .cel!
Why on earth would I want to save a perfectly good linear pcm file, that I haven't modified, as a lossy loop file?!
For fun I opened up Vegas Pro 8. I dragged the multichannel wav onto the timeline window. Vegas opened up the file and correctly placed all sixteen tracks on the timeline in the correct order with no fuss.
Now none of this was insurmountable in Audition. I opened the file in edit view and saved each segment as an individual wav. I renamed them with useful numbers. Then I imported them all into multitrack view. But why should I have to do all that? It's these sort of usability issues that seem to have cropped up in AA2.0 & 3.0 that are really frustrating despite the great audio quality & feature set.
Sorry, I didn't mean to turn this into a rant. If anyone is aware of some simple procedure that I overlooked I would love to hear about it.
I haven't tried importing one of these files into Reaper yet...anyone want to take bets?