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November 11, 2007, 07:02:02 PM
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Possible Bug! or am I missing something
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Topic: Possible Bug! or am I missing something (Read 819 times)
April 27, 2007, 11:19:02 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Normally, after I record a new session complete, to preserve all the originals, I'll save all the new files before I damage them with EQ, Reverb etc into a Re-Mix folder and I'll check"Make copies of all associated files" etc etc, so I'm working on the copies. I then open the Re-Mix folder and work away 'til my hearts content. Now, recently, I've decided to add new files 'cos I'm not happy with how some of the older files sound, so what I've done is put volume envelopes(down to zero) over the bits I don't want to hear, so I can hear the newly recorded tracks and for some unknown reason, I still hear the enveloped tracks.
Now! I thought, this is very strange, this shouldn't be happening. So, I took a track, which I knew I wouldn't need and decided to trim it. 1st of all, I trimmed the copy (within the Re-Mix folder) and saved it. I played it back and still I heard it. Then I said, "AHhh!, I'll trim the original, in case for some reason, it's trying to access that and after trimming the original, listening then to the Re-mix, I still hear the trimmed file.
I decide to Re-Boot in case Audition has the stuff mixed up to clear any congestion and after this I reload the session and it's still there (the trimmed file , with no envelope, not even the existance of sound played back in edit view)
Now I can ask the obvious here. How can I still hear this track. Actually, I haven't deleted the track, just the portion I've trimmed, which doesn't appear on Multitrack or Edit view, yet I can still hear it. It's on a track of it's own and there's no other piece of music clashing so as I'd mistake it for a doubled track or anything and hasn't been double taked over it without me knowing. (My work method won't allow this)
Reply #1
April 28, 2007, 05:25:08 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
I wonder could somebody try this and see what's up(Steve maybe)
Reply #2
April 29, 2007, 01:37:13 PM »
Posts: 2751
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
I'm not sure I'm following your message - it sounds like you have a multitrack session - you've trimmed a clip, but it is still playing back even though that track is now blank under the cursor.
Have you been able to duplicate this in a different session?
Karl Zemlin -
Host of the
AudioMasters Community FTP site
Reply #3
April 29, 2007, 03:06:17 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Quote from: zemlin on April 29, 2007, 01:37:13 PM
I'm not sure I'm following your message - it sounds like you have a multitrack session - you've trimmed a clip, but it is still playing back even though that track is now blank under the cursor.
Indeed Karl, you're 100% correct, it's the strangest thing.
Quote from: zemlin on April 29, 2007, 01:37:13 PM
Have you been able to duplicate this in a different session?
No! funny enough, or better still, not to my knowledge. I'm doing a song and re singing a phrase or two. I have the original phrases with envelopes over them and they're pulled down to zero and when I mute the new resung tracks I can still hear the original "enveloped to zero" tracks AND the trimmed track. I could check some of my other songs but it's only now this has come to light.
Maybe, if you get a bit of time you could try it with say 3 tracks, making sure you save the duplicates into another folder and then work with these and not the originals.
Reply #4
April 29, 2007, 03:25:20 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Ok Karl, I went and checked on previous songs and to date, this thing doesn't occur. What i did notice, however, which may or may not have any bearing is the new extra clips were recorded in the Re-Mix folder and NOT the original. I'm a bit wary of moving the newly recorded clips into the original in case I don't get to open the session or the clips get lost. I suppose I could make copies etc but then I'm not sure if this is the problem.
If it may be the case, how would you go about what I suggest?
Reply #5
April 29, 2007, 05:15:24 PM »
Posts: 270
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
You haven't got any sends routed prefade to a Buss or anything odd thereby bypassing the envelope that should be muting the file? Have you tried using an automation track to mute the files at those places?
Reply #6
April 29, 2007, 10:36:54 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Quote from: ryclark on April 29, 2007, 05:15:24 PM
You haven't got any sends routed prefade to a Buss or anything odd thereby bypassing the envelope that should be muting the file?
No Ry, I don't and to be quite honest, I'm not sure how to use these features, although I've promised myself I'd look into them.
Quote from: ryclark on April 29, 2007, 05:15:24 PM
Have you tried using an automation track to mute the files at those places?
Again, No! but I think this MAY work. The only way the sound doesn't come through is when I mute the actual tracks but I've got other stuff on the tracks so I can't just delete them. I had toyed with that idea but again it's a feature I don't use. Do you think I'm missing something?
I think I may have to look into both these features. I've used them OK with mixing desks so I understand the concept, it's getting my head round Read, Write and Latch. I know there's a breakdown at the start of the Forums so I'll refer to that. It still doesn't change the fact it has happened though and I hate things getting the better of me
Reply #7
April 30, 2007, 11:03:03 AM »
Posts: 270
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Yes but maybe something has become accidentally routed without you realising. A good opportunity to check out these features
Reply #8
April 30, 2007, 05:03:30 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Ry, I've checked all I know regarding what you suggest and can't find anything at all. There's on small discrepency, however, I don't think it's anything to do with it. I had a small phrase of chorus I had sung and didn't like, so a sang it on a different track (about 3 secs). I remember back that when I enveloped the bad phrase to zero, it wouldn't go away, so I locked the new phrase and dragged it over the top of the old one(on the same track) and that's how I fixed that bit but now on that track, although the whole track is frozen, the "Freeze Track" button is greyed out, as opposed to it being eggshell blue like the other frozen tracks.
That says to me but only now with hindsight, that for some reason it had happened previously but hadn't picked up on it. Now I may seem to have two options. Drag ALL my newly sung tracks over the old tracks which I have enveloped to zero, or try your automation suggestion.
Regarding your suggestion, I looked at the options (I'm wary of making a mistake here) and "Latch" seems most appropriate. So a question. If I set the concerned tracks to "Latch", when I want them muted, as I run the playback, can I mute them where I need to and unmute as the track plays when the vocals I want to hear comes in and this will set the automation for each track. Long winded I know.
Reply #9
April 30, 2007, 07:24:43 PM »
Posts: 270
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
I have to admit that I haven't really played with Automation much myself. However I believe you can just draw in Mutes on a Mute automation track just as you do with other envelopes. The other automation options are for when you are using an external controller to record/update your automation on the fly.
Reply #10
April 30, 2007, 10:00:27 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Quote from: ryclark on April 30, 2007, 07:24:43 PM
The other automation options are for when you are using an external controller to record/update your automation on the fly.
Well sod that! I don't think Adobe wants to particularly support SoundLab desks. Any other ideas? Scundered! apart from re-recording which I don't wanna have to do 'cos I don't think I'll get the singing as good. BTW, D'ya know how to work the vocoder?
Reply #11
May 31, 2007, 12:40:49 PM »
Aim Day Co
Posts: 894
Re: Possible Bug! or am I missing something
Well, I just wanted to keep you up to date, in case someone else comes against this. I still wasn't able to figure out WHAT the actual problem was but thanks to this little gem from
regarding Automation.
I did it on a Multi-Track basis on the individual tracks and all I did was drag the envelope shape over the un-mutable
sections and set the automation to mute and done. Easy
Thanks Bruce
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