don't mean to get off subject, but what's the scoop with Ozone? Is it a worthwhile product as compared to what one can do with built in Auditions tools or with perhaps comparable free VST plugins?
Generally yes, it
is worth it. There are a few threads you could read (maybe you already have?), like
this one, but they don't really go into a lot of depth about what's good about it - the short and sweet answer is that as far as AA 1.5 was concerned, it had a number of operational features that made it an absolute must,
some of which can be replicated in part by AA2.0, but it still has features that are worth it anyway - like the multiband exciter - because Audition doesn't have one. That's not all though - read on.
As far as this thread is concerned, one of Ozone's big advantages is that if you
must get a track to sound really loud, but still generally okay - if that isn't a contradiction in terms, which I personally think it is - then it's an extremely useful tool for doing it, because it makes it very easy both to hear and see immediately what effect various combinations of processing are having, and I think that it's
still easier to use for this than Audition's effects chaining. It's not cheap, and it's still a bit of a processor hog, but in terms of a quick result you can get a long way
very quickly. What it also does is to let you try completely different combinations of processing (both the type and the order) that could potentially achieve the same result with consumate ease.
But all this ease of use makes it very easy to overdo Ozone processing, especially when the enhancer is involved, and that's something that you have to guard against all of the time. And also I'm aware that I'm being very positive about it without telling you any of its weaknesses, and it does have a major one - the master reverb
sucks - I wouldn't use it for anything! Other than that though, it's an excellent tool.