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Topic: Production for a Club  (Read 1037 times)
« on: June 26, 2006, 05:14:58 AM »
djblu Offline
Posts: 13


Hi all, My name is Adrian aka DJ Blu. i am 19 years of age and i have been playing arround with the mic and AA 1.5

now i made this for a local club, but before i turn it in, what suggestions do you have?

.:: DJ Blu ::.
Reply #1
« on: June 26, 2006, 01:29:16 PM »
BFM Offline
Posts: 853

Bienvenido mano!

Solo decir que todos efectos son simplemente efectos, y el efecto en tu voz no da tan buena impression como si lo usaras de vez en cuando en vez de todo el tiempo. Aparte de eso la voz no esta clara, no se destaca de la musica, suena como escondida, pero eso es porque el efecto no trabaja bien. Si la musica fuera electronica entonces si creo que ese efecto trabajaria mejor. Si insistes en ese efecto tienes que hacerlo mucho mas claro. Hay tambien mucha musica, deberian ser como ejemplos rapidos y corto, solo unos cuantos segundos cada cancion.

[Just to say effects are effects, and the effect on your voice doesn't work as well when it's on all your spoken bits as if used it now and then. Apart from that the voice is not clear, it doesn't stand out from the music. it sounds hidden, but it's because the effect doesn't work well. If the music was electronic then yes I think it would work much better. If you insist on using the effect you must make it much clearer. There's also too much music, these should be short and fast examples (teasers), just a couple of seconds each song]
Reply #2
« on: June 26, 2006, 08:03:45 PM »
djblu Offline
Posts: 13


muchisimas gracias por la bienvenida. los dueños del antro me pidieron ese effecto en la voz, querian algo como Futuristico Vs. algo como Rustico. ese es el estilo del antro. como un Old West Moderno. pero tienes razon, no esta tan claro como puede estar. tambien tienes razon en lo de la musica, esta muy larga. Muchisimas gracias por su opinion.

.:: DJ Blu ::.
Reply #3
« on: June 26, 2006, 08:16:19 PM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 8319

Mod comment:

BFM, you'd better start translating the replies too... rolleyes

Generally, English is preferred, so we can all understand what's being said.

Reply #4
« on: June 27, 2006, 05:42:20 AM »
Ultra Offline
Posts: 416


Quote from: SteveG
Mod comment:

BFM, you'd better start translating the replies too... rolleyes

Generally, English is preferred, so we can all understand what's being said.


Thanks much for the welcome.  The owners of the cavern requested to me that effect in the voice, wanting something futuristic versus something more classical. That is the style of the cavern as a Old, Modern West, but you are right, this is not as clear as it can be.  Also, you are right in the length of the music being very long. Thanks much for your opinion

Reply #5
« on: June 27, 2006, 09:20:49 AM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 8319


Reply #6
« on: June 27, 2006, 11:14:17 AM »
BFM Offline
Posts: 853

Well I translated my bit...
Reply #7
« on: June 27, 2006, 04:19:51 PM »
djblu Offline
Posts: 13


Quote from: djblu
muchisimas gracias por la bienvenida. los dueños del antro me pidieron ese effecto en la voz, querian algo como Futuristico Vs. algo como Rustico. ese es el estilo del antro. como un Old West Moderno. pero tienes razon, no esta tan claro como puede estar. tambien tienes razon en lo de la musica, esta muy larga. Muchisimas gracias por su opinion.

Translation. [I Apologize]

Thanks ever so much for the welcome. The owners of the club asked for that effect on the voice, they wanted somethinf futuristic Vs. Something Old. Like a modern Old West type of thing. But you are right, it's not as clear as it could be. Ypu're also right on the music, Indeed it IS too long [the samples/teasers] Thank you very much for your opinion.

.:: DJ Blu ::.
Reply #8
« on: June 28, 2006, 12:25:35 AM »
BFM Offline
Posts: 853

Thanks man wink
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