Just curious - Anyone ever recorded music outdoors?
I got a chance a few years ago, to record a rock kit off a huge flat outdoor parking lot surrounded by fir trees.. The sound was extremely focussed, clear and sharp. The dynamics really stood out in the absense of any sort of ambience decay. The only reflections to the mics were the initial ones off the tarmac in front of the kit. It was a great effect, but it took some setting up, and good weather.
I'm planning some impulse experiments to see if it's possible to remove some unwanted ambience from an instrument or voice recorded in an average and usually bad sounding room using convolution tricks, and then if desired, re-introducing ambience of a chosen character.
I guess it's impossible to some extent with a large instrument like a drum kit, which is
not a point source, but that's where my mind is wondering ATM. Of coarse someone will have worked this out if it's possible, and will have a web-site with equations and diagrams.