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Topic: ReWire, Reason 3 and ASIO  (Read 997 times)
« on: February 24, 2006, 04:17:22 PM »
Aim Day Co Offline
Posts: 894


Ok, this was touched on by MarkT and BFD but not Reason 3. Basically, ReWire doesn't work with AA2 and Reason and suspect both of using the same ASIO drivers. Now I have £600 worth of software not working properly.

If I want to use Reason solo, it steals the ASIO driver and Audition doesn't play and vice versa. I can assign Reason a different driver but what one. There's about 30 of them.

Essentially they are DX or MME but all are Echo Layla Analog.
Has anyone any workarounds for this?

3.2 Ghz Pentium 4
1 meg Ram
Layla 3G
80Gb drive


Reply #1
« on: February 24, 2006, 08:50:50 PM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

AA 1.5  Cool
Reply #2
« on: February 24, 2006, 09:08:00 PM »
Euphony Offline
Posts: 357

get a refund for 2.0 and spend a bit extra on Sonar 5?
Reply #3
« on: February 24, 2006, 09:21:18 PM »
Aim Day Co Offline
Posts: 894


AA 1.5  

Richard, I'd like to try and move forward but I can't understand why this shouldn't work. Shame on you Adobe(Slaps wrist)
get a refund for 2.0 and spend a bit extra on Sonar 5?

Euphony, come on, you should no better than that Cheesy  Seriously guys, is it really not going to happen?

What about using a different driver? It's just I don't know which one to use. Any ideas?


Reply #4
« on: February 25, 2006, 07:41:28 AM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

Mark - what are you trying to do?  Do you want to use AA 2.0 as Rewire master and Reason as Rewire slave?  On the Adobe AA forum, headquest seems to be having some success with Reason.  Consider this quote:

Lastly: Reason 3.0 is superb, and makes an excellent partner to Audition 2. You can only use the self-contained instruments, but they are so good (and light on system resources, which I think is an issue for you) that you won't miss CPU intensive VSTs anyway!

I took that to be a comment about slaving Reason to AA 2.0 with Rewire - but maybe it isn't about that.  At any rate, the quote is from this thread at Adobe:  (log in as "guest" if you don't have an account there)

Thread title = "Can someone recommend a simple "host" sequencer to ReWire into Audition?"
Reply #5
« on: February 25, 2006, 03:24:33 PM »
Aim Day Co Offline
Posts: 894


Thanks Richard. Funny, I was looking at that post but didn't check on it these few days. I asked him a question anyway. I wonder is there anyone else with ideas?


Reply #6
« on: February 26, 2006, 08:28:09 AM »
bonnder Offline
Posts: 1340

Ozpeter states that he is going to make a FAQ out of headquest's response to your question.  I'm going to cross-post that response here anyway, for the benefit of those who might see this thread and not the Adobe forum thread. The moderators can delete this if they see fit to.


Quote from: headquest

1) Open Audition, but NOT Reason.

2) Once Audition is open go to the Multitrack View and select Edit > Audio Harware Setup > Multitrack View tab > check that "Release ASIO driver in the background" is selected.

3) Then in Audition go to Edit > MIDI and Rewire set > Rewire tab > select "Enable" and Reason should appear as an option which you then select in the box below.

4) Consider the three options for "Track Assignement" and make a choice that suits your approach/workflow. Then click on the "Launch" command. This will automatically open up Reason in Rewire slave mode.

5) A general principal of the Rewire protocol is that the Host retains the ASIO drivers anyway. If you have followed the steps outlined above, Reason should not have wanted to take over the ASIO drivers, but will be streaming all audio directly into Audition to be mixed there.

6) Open a Reason device. If necessary check in the Reason sequencer that the device is selected for MIDI input/controller mapping.

7) Important: you will not be able to play any Reason device or hear any sound until/unless the transport has been started. This is a bit non-standard, but seems to be a quirk of Audition 2.0. However, as soon as you hit record and start playing (or launch a pattern in Redrum, etc) the audio will be streamed via Audition.

8 ) Check that you have correctly assigned the audio input on a channel in Audition if you did not already choose to do so under "Track Assignments" in step 4 above.

9) One final quirk unique to Audition is that you will not be able to close Audition until you have not only saved/closed Reason, but also returned to Edit > MIDI and Rewire setup and disabled Rewire there.
Reply #7
« on: March 14, 2006, 04:59:29 PM »
Aim Day Co Offline
Posts: 894


Well, I'm now ready to go for the above recording using reWire but it's not all good, in fact it isn't good at all. i'll go over "headquests" set-up and then put this also onto the Adobe site.
Points 1-4: Done, no problems.
Point 5: Seems good in principal, I have had a few errors but with re-starting both programs, I've got it going.
Point 6: I'd like this explained more but I get the essence of it and it IS showing this is happening.
Point 7: This is weird. I CAN actually hear the sound I'm playing but the latency is abysmal. I have from 64 samples right up to 16,000 samples. My Audition default is 512 samples for audio. For ReWire, does anyone know whats best. 16,000 seems good but I'd say it's still half a second behind. Hard to play with. Also, when I hit record in Reason, the transport seems to work fine and I can see wee recorded ticks but I CAN'T hear a dickie bird. NOTHING! I obviously need to hear to play along with it. I set the track input as Reason and the outputs going to my soundcard. All the meters are bouncing up and down but no sound when I press record in Reason.
Points 8 & 9: No Problem.

Point 7 is my problem. if I could hear what I'm playing and reduce the latency I'd be happy and I found this cool cello on Reason I'd love to use but can't.

Ideas a plenty please cheesy


Reply #8
« on: March 15, 2006, 02:59:40 PM »
Aim Day Co Offline
Posts: 894


I'm still trying to get this to work. Any takers?


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