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Topic: [CEP] filter converter needed - WMA to MP3  (Read 2006 times)
« on: October 19, 2003, 10:25:41 PM »


does anyone know how I may go about getting the "filter/converter" needed to convert Windows Media Audio files to MP3 files? Iwas told this forum may be of help!

Thanks!! Smiley
Reply #1
« on: October 19, 2003, 10:58:43 PM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 8250

Quote from: redraiduzz
does anyone know how I may go about getting the "filter/converter" needed to convert Windows Media Audio files to MP3 files? I was told this forum may be of help!

You haven't indicated which version of CEP/Audition you are using - but I'd guess it's CE2000 or CEP1.2, because CEP 2.1 and Audition will open WMA files, and you can save them as MP3s with only the inevitable loss incurred by saving one compressed format to another left to contend with.

So I suppose that one correct answer is to buy a copy of Audition. It's possible that somebody's made a means (flt) of importing WMA's into CEP1.2/CE2000, but I'm not aware of it.

If you don't want to spend a lot of money to achieve a result, then you end up with stuff like AudioEdit Deluxe which has a waveform display that looks suspiciously like something we're all familiar with... (shh! I didn't tell you about AudioEdit!)

Reply #2
« on: October 21, 2003, 04:13:58 AM »


thanks for the reply, Steve.

I'll consider that, and meanwhile keep looking.
And yes, I do have CE 1.2  -- got it back in 99.
Reply #3
« on: October 22, 2003, 01:34:25 PM »
noddy Offline
Posts: 277


Quote from: redraiduzz
does anyone know how I may go about getting the "filter/converter" needed to convert Windows Media Audio files to MP3 files? Iwas told this forum may be of help!

Alternatively, there's dbpoweramp which is freeware.
It doesn't have the WMA codec included as standard, but that codec is also available for free, from the link to 'codec central' on the dbpoweramp site. I realise this means doing the task outside of AA, but it will get you there for 'no money down', and that's a good thing!

The home of quality podcasts, including "Building the pod (Understanding Adobe Audition)" and "Sine Language", a discussion on all things audio.
Reply #4
« on: October 23, 2003, 04:06:40 AM »


ok....thanks, I'll try that.
Reply #5
« on: October 23, 2003, 12:43:48 PM »
VoodooRadio Offline
Posts: 1621

Check this one out...


Good Luck!

Reply #6
« on: October 23, 2003, 12:54:56 PM »
(earth to) CLINTON Offline
Posts: 203


here is what you need, and its free :

"You can turn a gold nugget into a fine piece of jewellery - but you can't turn a dog turd into gold"
Reply #7
« on: October 23, 2003, 03:48:14 PM »
VoodooRadio Offline
Posts: 1621

If memory serves me... the one I mentioned offers both a FREE (shareware) version and a more loaded pay-fer .   It used to be about $30, which isn't much if your gonna get enough use out of it.


Good Luck!

Reply #8
« on: October 25, 2003, 12:23:27 PM »
William Rose Offline
Posts: 799

About a year ago, I found myself needing to convert about a hundred or so WMA's to......well, something other than WMA. At the time though, I couldn't find any acceptably functional free or shareware apps to do the job. And I looked pretty hard.

What I wound up doing, was opening up CEP and creating a "New" waveform, then opening up Windows Media Player and playing 4-5 tracks  at a time from the playlist of WMA's I had created. Unfortunately I couldn't get Monkey's Audio to do anything (still can't) and I hadn't yet heard of WavPack, so, in the end I wound up converting everything to mp3.

You know. I hit "play" in Media Player, and then hit "record" in Cool Edit. It actually worked very nicely.

Of course, I'm not suggesting you do this, I'm just throwing it out there.   Cheesy


Amd 1.4ghz, 576mb, WinXpPro, CEP2, SantaCruz..
Reply #9
« on: October 26, 2003, 11:20:29 AM »
Mac Offline
Posts: 1191


dBpowerAmp or Foobar2000 are probably the simplest methods...  you can just tell them to do all your files at once, rather than opening and saving one at a time in Cool Edit.  It seems strange, an audio player does it better than an audio editor Smiley

Reply #10
« on: October 27, 2003, 12:58:12 AM »


Quote from: William Rose
About a year ago, I found myself needing to convert about a hundred or so WMA's to......well, something other than WMA. At the time though, I couldn't find any acceptably functional free or shareware apps to do the job. And I looked pretty hard.

What I wound up doing, was opening up CEP and creating a "New" waveform, then opening up Windows Media Player and playing 4-5 tracks  at a time from the playlist of WMA's I had created. Unfortunately I couldn't get Monkey's Audio to do anything (still can't) and I hadn't yet heard of WavPack, so, in the end I wound up converting everything to mp3.

You know. I hit "play" in Media Player, and then hit "record" in Cool Edit. It actually worked very nicely.

Of course, I'm not suggesting you do this, I'm just throwing it out there.   Cheesy

that's a good thought! I  might try that!
Reply #11
« on: October 27, 2003, 08:12:17 PM »
oretez Offline
Posts: 515

Quote from: Mac
dBpowerAmp or Foobar2000 are probably the simplest methods...  you can just tell them to do all your files at once, rather than opening and saving one at a time in Cool Edit.  It seems strange, an audio player does it better than an audio editor :)

Once you've determined what settings you want to use, the batch  processing capabilities of CE allow one to 'do all your files at once'.

Which, of course, if your version of CE doen't open  WMA files is not of much help.
Reply #12
« on: October 25, 2006, 06:54:13 AM »
Christ Lawrence Offline
Posts: 3


you can use good audio/mp3 editing software [try FlexiMusic Mp3 Editor , Easy Audio Editor , Cool Edit , Mp3 Converter] , play WMA file and then record. Now save the recorded file as MP3 format.
Reply #13
« on: October 25, 2006, 11:15:02 AM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 8250

Quote from: Christ Lawrence
you can use good audio/mp3 editing software [try FlexiMusic Mp3 Editor , Easy Audio Editor , Cool Edit , Mp3 Converter] , play WMA file and then record. Now save the recorded file as MP3 format.

 rolleyes That's more or less what William already said...

Reply #14
« on: October 25, 2006, 11:20:13 AM »
pwhodges Offline
Posts: 916


Quote from: SteveG
rolleyes That's more or less what William already said...

... three years ago! shocked

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