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 Service Request for copy of CE Forum dBase
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Posts: 290

Post Posted - Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:03 pm 

This is a joint post from kylen and bonnder:

From kylen -
I put in a service request Friday to Syntrillium asking
for a copy of the database along with the viewer. I told
them I'd pay a reasonable handling and license fee -
or whatever the charges are.

From bonnder -
...ask all who would like a copy of the CE Forum dBase
to file their own service request.

kylen here...
I contacted Syntrillium MD also.
Here's a support contact:
You can click on MDs profile or Supports profile on the Forums index and email them. Or you can fill out a Support request, there are ways...

Doesn't hurt to ask to see if you can get a copy of the Syntrillium Forums Database to keep for offline searches.

kylen and bonnder
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Location: Romania

Posts: 369

Post Posted - Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:28 pm 

You *could* have the forum data base, but the search option is going to require *much* more...

In the mean time, you could start saving thread by thread with 'Is there a Moderator "In the House" ?'
and replace 13297 with lower numbers... Big Grin Hehe, just kiddind Smile

Best regards,
Dj Lyon
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Posts: 215

Post Posted - Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:11 am 

We would like this thread to stay serious and short - so that we can bump it from time to time for informational purposes for new passers-by. Serious posts are welcome here, but only if they really won't fit into one of the other numerous Adobe forum-related threads going on now. Thanks guys and the occassional gal.

Do check out the link given above by djlyon.

kylen and bonnder
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Location: Spain

Posts: 4663

Post Posted - Mon Jul 14, 2003 2:54 pm 

Pavell wrote:
It seems that Adobe is owner of the forum now so you should contact Adobe, not Syntrillium.

So it appears. This being the case, I can't say I hold out a lot of hope for them releasing this material to a group they will perceive as the 'opposition'.

I'm have no idea what the true legal situation is. It seems to me that, in one way, anything that exists on a forum of this type is already in the public domain. Assuming Adobe do port over the existing data base, there is no reason why any one of us could not copy and paste from that to anywhere else - particularly if the person doing this was the originator of the message concerned. It seems to me that the originator would, effectively, be the copyright owner (that is, if it's even possible to hold copyright on something which is PD).

If a complex question was asked in the new forum ( ) and it was one to which I had already provided an in-depth answer here, I would have no qualms at all about copying and re-posting it.


Don't forget to join the new CEP forum at audiomastersforum
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Posts: 38

Post Posted - Mon Jul 14, 2003 3:29 pm 

I'm no lawyer, but my guess is that the individual posts are in the public domain, or at least the poster still has some rights to whatever they posted. That means that if the poster wanted to copy and paste their words back out there probably wouldn't be any objection. However, the database itself is a seperate entity, which Syntrillium/Adobe own and (probably) have no obligation to hand over.

If that's the case, everyone can still raid their favorite threads and paste them in a new forum. Big Grin

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Location: United Kingdom

Posts: 6695

Post Posted - Mon Jul 14, 2003 3:39 pm 

billk wrote:
I'm no lawyer, but my guess is that the individual posts are in the public domain, or at least the poster still has some rights to whatever they posted. That means that if the poster wanted to copy and paste their words back out there probably wouldn't be any objection. However, the database itself is a seperate entity, which Syntrillium/Adobe own and (probably) have no obligation to hand over.

If that's the case, everyone can still raid their favorite threads and paste them in a new forum. Big Grin

I think that this is probably about right. Syntrillium gave/gives posters continuous rights over their threads by virtue of letting us edit or delete them at any time at all. Ergo they do not own the posts, but just the container that they are in. This is not the situation with the Adobe forum, where you cannot avoid relinquishing your right to control an individual post after half an hour.

Just the spelling...

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Location: Canada

Posts: 330

Post Posted - Mon Jul 14, 2003 3:59 pm 

Well shut my mouth! Shock
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Posts: 215

Post Posted - Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:17 pm 

Can you own something that is free (Snitz Forums 2000 database software)? We've already debated in other threads whether Adobe (or any company) can own the forum or just the server it sits on and I won't rehash that here. Also, one can make a strong case that Adobe bought Syntrillium. Period. Not just the technical assets. At any rate, Adobe has not provide us (that I am aware of) a place to submit this kind of request for the CE Forum database. We are submitting our requests to the only place available that we are aware of. So that to the question, "well, did you ask for it?" we can answer "yes".

I've spoken with a lawyer about a class-action request. The members of the class would each have to be notified of the class action by snail mail. That pretty much makes a class-action lawsuit unwieldy at best right now (how do we get the mailing address of every member of the forum?). Since I'm going for what works, not for a power play, it seems the idea to download your own posts whose contents have substance and then upload them to radiokenny's site at some point seems the best path to pursue right now.

I think what we are going through right now is cutting-edge for the new form of communication made possible by the internet and new software (ala the Shirky: "A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy" article)- and the inherent intellectual property rights issues involved. It would be interesting to see if any lawyers / social sciences authors would get involved just for the precedent setting decisions that could possibly come out of how this is resolved. For example, did Syntrillium have a moral if not legal obligation to give us some advance warning that the copyright owner and subsequent restrictions of use were about to change on the forum. By the time we learned of the sale, we (at least I) could no longer find Synt's restrictions of use - all I could find were Adobe's. Etc.
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William Rose

Location: USA

Posts: 467

Post Posted - Mon Jul 14, 2003 8:57 pm 

I would imagine that when Adobe aquired Syntrillium and it was posted here on the forum, that that would constitute "notice". Thereafter, by logging on or even browsing this site, we have been bound to the "Terms Of Use" at the bottom of the page.

Syntrillium nor Adobe is obligated in any way to provide you with anything. You are however, along with everybody else in the world, granted an unlimited and unrestricted license to use any and all "user content" on this site in any way that you wish, providing it's use doesn't conflict with anything else specifically mentioned in the "terms of use". And so is Adobe. The terms are actually pretty clear. The only difficulty I have in fully understanding them is the term "distribution". It's specifically listed as a right granted by the aforementioned license, but it also seems to be specifically prohibited elsewhere.

But as far as "intellectual property" goes ? There is no intellectual property on this forum, at least not by the legal definition. Adobe is entitled (because we have granted them license to do so) to use anything on this forum in any way they wish. If you posted the formula for the cure for cancer, Adobe could use it to develop and market a vaccine. And so could anyone else who saw it. And all this really says, is that, you probably ought not post sensitive information here on the forum. Because once you do, it's no longer a secret. You do have control of course, of your posts. You could remove them all, if you wanted to.

Anyway, read them carefully. It's all in there, and I think it's rather straightforward. Except the bit about distribution..........
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Posts: 290

Post Posted - Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:23 pm 

I just contacted syntrillium sales to see if anyone is still over there. Maybe I can get one of 'em to run over to the server and slip a cd in it and wazoo - instant backup.

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Location: USA

Posts: 455

Post Posted - Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:48 pm 

It would be foolish to wait too long to shoot into
action cause what's keeping Adobe from porting over the database? -Pavell
Hmmm, but isn't the porting what we all want anyway? Then the searchable history we need would be there, we can all go over the Adobe forums and be happy, then just keep working on them for a format change.

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Location: United Kingdom

Posts: 4

Post Posted - Fri Aug 15, 2003 3:28 am 

No need to worry, it is safe and sound now Clown
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