It actually looks like in Edit view when recording a Mono track AA is dropping a bit or something.
Any headway explaining this?
A little - although this may cause more confusion/consternation, at least initially. I decided in the end, because of the nature of the problem to use the entirely calibrated E-Mu system to check this out - because it can generate tones to precisely specified levels, and more importantly, generate them internally at
more than 0dB in the box. In case you are not aware, the E-Mu 1820M soundcard with breakout box is basically a large, complex virtual mixer that does some neat tricks entirely in the PC, and turns out to be a good way to check out at least
some of the reported bahaviour...
Initially, I found that yes, in EV, Audition is indeed under-recording by 6dB the tone that I set up to come out of the channel, and that I applied directly to the input in EV. But, and please note this,
only when the Audition Windows Driver is used.
I checked the same behaviour by switching to another input on the E-Mu with the same tone level applied, and resetting the Audition driver to its ASIO mode. Now the results were perfect - everything records at the correct levels, mono and stereo. Please note that this is without stopping Audition and reloading it, or doing anything at all to the E-Mu CueMix - I've just changed the input assignment in Audition.
I'm not sure how this helps though - I'm not even sure that there's anything wrong with the driver
per se. I tried the same thing using the standard E-mu Windows driver using AA1.5 and got the same under-reading - this appears to lose 6dB as well. And it really
does appear to be an error - if you increase the output by 6dB in the mixer, then both versions record at 0dB perfectly in mono.
What's slightly confusing is what happens when you record in stereo using the Audition Windows Driver in AA2.0, but use a mono source. If you swing the panpot on the mixer, you can pan the mono channel between the two stereo channels being recorded - and end up with a 6dB drop in the centre, but a 0dB signal in one channel when the panpot is swung right over to the other side. AFAIK this should only drop 3dB in the centre, not 6dB - unless a
very strange law is being used! It should only be 3dB because it's signal levels we are shifting - if we double the intensity in the centre pan position, then the SPL will increase by 3dB. The implemented version appears to be suggesting that we have doubled the SPL in the centre and got a 6dB increase - which we haven't done, of course.
The ASIO driver behaves completely differently - no amount of manipulation of the pan control alters anything to do with the two input channels, and even recording in mono makes no difference.
There appears to be no distortion of any kind - if you get the E-Mu to produce tone at +6dB Audition records without distortion in EV using the Audition Windows Driver - everything behaves as it should, certainly with the E-Mu system anyway.
So, my initial question is "what driver have you been using?" Regardless of the answer though, I think that some more investigation is required...