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Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
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Topic: Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered (Read 2804 times)
March 19, 2006, 10:10:54 PM »
Posts: 61
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
I have a registered version of CE2000. I have the registration program. Frequently now the program loads and tells me I have the unregistered version and I have to run the reg program to get the full deal.
This just started happening recently. The Program has been working flawlessly since I bought it when new. Thankfully, I keep my reg.exe on my hard drive so I simply reload it, but any idea why this keeps happening? I have reinstalled CE2000 to see if that helps, but apparently not.
I also lose all my custom presets each time it reverts to the unregistered version..
Thoughts anyone?
Mark G.
"You would think after 40 years of practice I would be better".
Reply #1
March 19, 2006, 10:31:46 PM »
Posts: 1461
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
I learned some time ago to make a backup of Cool.ini so everything would not be lost. I just replace it from the backup when there is a problem. Most of the time that is adequate, without re-installing. Coolkb2k.ini might be useful too.
The thing most likely to cause that problem, in my experience, is starting the program a second time before the first invocation has finished loading. That is too easy in my case because I use it from the Quick Launch bar. An erroneous double click and there are two copies racing to see who takes control.
Reply #2
March 20, 2006, 06:17:51 AM »
Posts: 61
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
You know, I do the exact same thing.. Launch from a single click launch bar. Hmmm.. Valuable info.
I still have the original install on my old computer so I can grab the .ini file from the older install and stick it in this one if it keeps happening..
Thanks for the tip!!
Mark G.
"You would think after 40 years of practice I would be better".
Reply #3
March 20, 2006, 12:08:29 PM »
Posts: 512
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
The crucial thing, if you look for old Cool.ini files to replace, is to make sure that Windows is showing all files.
Don't let Windows hide system files or any parts of file names.
Reply #4
March 20, 2006, 12:38:25 PM »
Posts: 18
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
There's a lot of us out here who've had this problem and worse - here's a link to one of the threads I found really helpful -
Nuts 'n Volts forum - 3 pages of it !!;f=2;t=000573
Reply #5
March 20, 2006, 06:02:49 PM »
Posts: 61
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
Thankfully, it appears to be back to working just fine. I have CE2000 installed on two XP machines and I copied the Cool.ini file from the one where it was working fine to my music computer and all apparently is now good.
I learned a long time ago to keep all the installation files and the registration files stored on a CD, and I have now included the Cool.ini file.
One reason I like using CE2000 over Audition is the way I get all the features of my DX plug ins with CE2000. It seems that opening the same plug in with Audition gives me a smaller version of the plug.. strange.
So again, thanks for the help..
Mark G.
"You would think after 40 years of practice I would be better".
Reply #6
March 21, 2006, 02:27:31 AM »
Posts: 18
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
To all,
The more I read, the less inclined I feel to "upgrade?" to Audition - am I just being a dyed in the wool dinosaur? Would be great to hear some positive, concrete reasons for me to shell out. Convince me.....
Reply #7
March 21, 2006, 06:47:03 AM »
Posts: 61
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
Well, I love Audition. I only use CE2000 for quick two track recording and editing. I do most of my voice over work in CE2000, but I use Audition all the time as my multitrack software of choice.
If all you are doing is two track stuff, there would be no real reason to upgrade to Audition, but if you want to multitrack, Audition is the way to go.
Mark G.
"You would think after 40 years of practice I would be better".
Reply #8
March 21, 2006, 02:59:12 PM »
Posts: 224
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
Quote from: Suggers
To all,
The more I read, the less inclined I feel to "upgrade?" to Audition - am I just being a dyed in the wool dinosaur? Would be great to hear some positive, concrete reasons for me to shell out. Convince me.....
If you are laying down fresh clean tracks in mono or stereo, CE2000 may indeed be all you need. I think it was the bargain of the century, and wish Adobe would bring it back -- as
Audition "Elements"
However, if you need to clean up recordings -- and didn't purchase the CE2K Noise Reduction add-on -- then Audition has great tools for that. And the addition of Frequency Space Editing (v. 1.5) in the spectral view was a tremendous boost in capability. Personally, I'm not yet convinced that 2.0 adds enough for me to upgrade from 1.5, but I'm really glad I upped from CE 2000 when I did.
Reply #9
April 20, 2006, 03:01:09 PM »
Posts: 16
I need help too please...
Don’t know whatever wrong if I really did now I can’t run it anymore. Suddenly it popped out the trial version :
Then doesn’t matter where I clicked it didn’t open but showed another popup says : “This system has not been configure correctly to run Cool Edit. Please run Setup again”. I stored the whole purchased file I in CD with my name and serial # so I confidently uninstalled and installed again. Everything went smooth… till the last stage the same damn thing happens:
See I have both : ce2kmain and ce2kreg on CD and have them reinstall. Now after done the un- and reinstalling about 10 times I don’t know what to do (Can’t run either trial or full version !)
Reply #10
April 20, 2006, 03:26:05 PM »
Posts: 8250
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
This is dangerous, but I don't think you have a choice.
Assuming that you have no other Syntrillium products on your system, go to the registry, do a search using the term 'Syntrillium' and delete all of the keys you come across. Then try loading and registering again...
Reply #11
April 20, 2006, 04:42:49 PM »
Posts: 16
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
The term dangerous scares me Steve, but thanks for the fact
Right, I only have the CE2000 installed (and now uninstalled) on my pc. I don't know very much of how pc works. Please tell me where the registry thing is and how to access to it
Reply #12
April 21, 2006, 08:59:05 AM »
Posts: 1461
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
There are registry clean-up programs (e.g. RegClean.exe). They are generally part of utility packages but there are also quite a few stand-alone freeware and shareware programs that you should be able to find with a web search.
Their job is to look for registry entries that are no longer valid and remove them, just what Steve suggests. Using one of them, you don't have to know how to screw-up the registry yourself.
None of these are perfect. The program(s) might miss an important registry entry, or several, but most often they are do a good enough job to take care of most problems. If the program fails to correct the problem, then you may have no choice but to get in and do some hacking yourself.
There is also some potential for registry damage when using one (or several) of these programs, but generally much less chance than when getting in there yourself without knowing just what you should do. I've used them to remove hundreds of entries at once without causing any difficulties.
You need to have CoolEdit, and all its files and folders, uninstalled
and deleted
before you run a registry cleanup program. It is generally best to reboot first too.
If you want to try it yourself, without a program, select Run off the Start menu and key in:
You can then use the search function from the program menu to look for the entries you want.
If you did not do all of the following in your recovery efforts, you might try this first.
(1) Uninstall CoolEdit
(2) go to the folders where the program lived (e.g. C:\Program files\CoolEdit ...) and delete
. The uninstall leaves some bits and pieces behind that might causes problems with a reinstall. You may have to reboot before the system will allow you to delete some items.
(3) Use the Find function off the Start menu to locate, and delete, every copy of Cool.ini on the computer. There are often several.
(4) Reboot
(5) Install again.
When you get things working again, make a back-up copy of Cool.ini for future corrections.
Reply #13
April 21, 2006, 10:25:15 PM »
Posts: 16
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
Hi Andy,
After each uninstalling there was a small uninstall package of CE itself remained in C drive, I used other uninstaller sw to get rid of it too, then I deleted the empty CE in program files. I did the searching for “Cool.ini” and found none. I can’t find any trace of CE left in my system (I have a whole bunch of songs which previously modified by CE but all are converted to wav- wmp- mp3, there’s not any CE icon left)
As you and Steve suggested of registry thing, here what I did : Start, Run, Then type "regedit", click OK. Click Hkey-Current-User\ Software. Gotcha! I saw the Syntrillium and deleted it. Reboot the machine then reinstall CE, but it doesn’t help though! Maybe the cleanup programs that you mentioned would do the job more thoroughly?
One thing I feel need to say: The “Please re-run Setup” popup does not only come at the end of installing the ce2kreg but right away at the ce2kmain too (which has to be done first) so maybe it is just not the registry but problems elsewhere as well?
I’d be very appreciate for anymore idea
Reply #14
April 21, 2006, 10:35:57 PM »
Posts: 8250
Need help. CE2000 reverting to unregistered
Quote from: kie3u
As you and Steve suggested of registry thing, here what I did : Start, Run, Then type "regedit", click OK. Click Hkey-Current-User\ Software. Gotcha! I saw the Syntrillium and deleted it. Reboot the machine then reinstall CE, but it doesn’t help though! Maybe the cleanup programs that you mentioned would do the job more thoroughly?
You didn't do what I said. I said to do a search (Ctrl+F, or 'Find' in the edit menu), and delete
of the keys - there are several, in different places and they are not all the same. You can't actually fix this with a registry cleaner as far as I'm aware; they are not intended to do the same job at all.
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