Ok... this relates to the question about getting presets from the old version to the new version, but it may be of general interest.
First - you may/should find that the presets copy themselves across when you install.
Second - try the trick of dragging audition.ini from Audition 1.x onto the Audition 2.0 icon BUT FOLLOW ADVICE FURTHER DOWN ABOUT BACKING UP YOUR AA2.0 PREFERENCES FIRST. And read all of it before doing anything. You may find that your presets get corrupted so the backup procedure allows you to restore their last state.
Third - create a session in AA1.5 where the presets you want are used. Then open that session in AA2.0 and save the presets manually there under the names you want.
Fourth - if you are confident and knowledgable you may be able to do some copying / pasting between the AA1.x preset location and the AA2.0 preset location.
Now here's something I prepared earlier, which contains some detailed advice about AA2.0 preferences. Note this is my advice, not Adobe's. Don't blame me if your installation goes haywire, though the good news is that you can easily reset everything without having to reinstall, though you will lose your custom stuff in the process.
Backing up Audition 2.0 preferences
It's a good scheme to do this from time to time even if things are running well.
1. Close Audition
2. Go to C:\Documents and settings\[yourusername]\Application Data\Audiition
3. You should see a folder named "2.0" - make a copy of the whole folder and its contents and call it "My last 2.0" [or whatever] using normal Windows procedures.
In the future, if you've had a problem you may need selectively to restore (copy) the files or folders from "My last 2.0" into "2.0", as they contain important setups and customisations which you'll probably want to have back. Here's a list of some of them:-
DefaultWorkspaces [folder] - contains the "factory" workspaces. Audition expects to find the contents there under the original names, but if you want you can replace them with defaults of your own devising, using the same names.
OriginalUSerWorkspaces [folder] - these are in essence backups of the workspaces you have saved yourself. If you restore a workspace after having amended it, Audition will use the contents of this folder.
UserWorkspaces [folder] - these are the current versions of workspaces you have created yourself. If you restore a workspace after having amended it, Audition will replace the workspace in this folder with the one from the OriginalUserWorkspaces folder.
- Favourites definitions
- Edit view mastering rack definitions
- "Extract from CD" definitions
- Definitions of mp3 encoding settings
- general settings and preferences - this contains a lot of handy stuff
- effect settings
See also the following tech docs:-
Using the VST Plug-in Manager (Adobe Audition 2.0)
Troubleshoot effects plug-ins for VST and DirectX (Adobe Audition)