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 Help on a good cost-effective multi track studio
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Posts: 12

Post Posted - Fri Apr 05, 2002 4:54 pm 

Hi all.
I have recently purchased a copy of CoolEdit Pro, i am interested in purchasing some studio speakers and a mixer. i was owndering what you all recomend. all i have atm is a P3 500, (soon will be AthlonMP1600)
Pretty much i want a mixer which can take around 8 tracks, a sound card which can handle it and some sort of speakers. I am a newbie so be kind Smile
Thanks All
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Location: USA

Posts: 3971

Post Posted - Fri Apr 05, 2002 6:28 pm 

Hi GregH,
Well for starters... you didn't mention a price limit! (must be nice) As for a mixer, I would recommend Mackie products as the best bang for the buck. Sure there are better boards (not much) but they have a much heftier price tag and alot of features that you might not necessarily need. Sound card...... several offer the 8 tracks that your desiring, I would recommend the 24 bit Layla's. Speakers... again the sky is the limit. I am soon to sell a project truck that I built over several years, just to buy a set of Genelecs. There are definitely others that require serious consideration. The JBL's have been mentioned in this forum as well as Mackie, Event, KRK, Alesis, Auratone, Hafler. The Genelecs can set you back anywhere between 1,500 and 3,000 dollars depending on your taste! The others are much more affordable. (There are speakers that cost exceedingly more) You should check out some online catalogs to get an idea of what's available in the various price ranges. Try Sweetwater Sound, Guitar Center, Mars Music, Sam Ash, Music Emporium and Musicians Friend. I don't have the direct links off hand, but a search on just about any engine will get you there. You question is sorta vague (as you probably realize) but it does really boil down to what you want to accomplish and at what price. Good Luck Voodoo

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