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 Turntable recommendations?
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Location: USA

Posts: 137

Post Posted - Mon Jun 18, 2001 10:20 am 

Well my old Dual 606, is getting old, and the rumble on it is getting bad. I am looking at getting a new turntable, for my LP to CD-R transfer. What I am looking at is the Denon DP-47F. So what does everyone think?
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Syntrillium M.D.

Location: USA

Posts: 5124

Post Posted - Mon Jun 18, 2001 10:59 am 

i have a DP-7F and it's performed very nicely with my Ortophon cartridge. Pretty robust too, as it's been shipped around with me quite a bit and is still kicking.

Certainly, there are more hi-fi tables out there...but with a variety of available styli out there, I'd say it's a good buy...

---Syntrillium Support


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Posts: 1038

Post Posted - Wed Jun 20, 2001 10:52 am 

I had a peep on the Denon website. The turntable seems quite sturdy which is a good advantage. However, I am not impressed by the tonearm assembly and the too many automatic features.

I would at least go out to the nearest hi-fi shop to compare it with what is available in the same bugdet range and then take a final decision. It's a day of work for a lifetime investment. Do you have the retail price of this turntable? I can suggest you other things to look at.


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Syntrillium M.D.

Location: USA

Posts: 5124

Post Posted - Wed Jun 20, 2001 11:25 am 

hi Uru. Yeah, I'd have to agree with you about the Tonearm - that's probably the 'weakest' part of the turntable; but it is rather sturdy otherwise. :-)

---Syntrillium Support