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Posts: 106
Posted - Fri Aug 08, 2003 7:16 pm
Just saw a pair of Infinity 100 Studio Monitors at a yard sale today. Are these a good set of monitors? They were in pretty good shape, but they both had the "bubble" part of the woofer pushed in slightly. Was told that that can be remedied by pulling them back out with some sticky tape. I probably should have gotten them. Any comments? The might still be there tomarrow.
Location: USA
Posts: 583
Posted - Fri Aug 08, 2003 7:57 pm
I'm not at all familiar with model, but generalities for used speakers for me is, are they better than what I have now ? How do they sound ?? Can you do a test on them first ?? What is the frequency response/wattage rating ?? Can I use them for a future application such as another stereo system or a 5.1 system ?? Could I resell them for what I'm paying for them ?? What is the speaker configuration 2-way/3-way?? Are the cabinets sealed, ported ?? How would they look/fit in my studio ? How's the condition of the cabinets ?? Do I have $75.00 ?? Do I have a way to get them home ?? Am I sure they aren't blown ?? Can I get a much better set for a little more somewhere else ?? What did they cost new ?? How old are they ?? Would they be okay for a short term use, until you bought better speakers ??
I shop used stuff alot and go thru the same thing, I see something and decide I like it later and come back, and if it's still there, take a really close second look. If it's not there, I forget about it, obviously. The really good deals sometimes go fast, so if you are interested in them, get back there soon, and bring some wire and test equipment with you just in case.
Good Luck !!
Posts: 546
Posted - Sat Aug 09, 2003 10:04 am
The "bubble" is just a dust cap; that it's dented is purely aesthetic.
Good advice above. I'd also look at the driver surrounds. If they're foam, are they sticky or crumbly at all? Is the woofer 6" or greater? I personally don't even consider speakers for nearfields unless they're at least that, though you could use them with a sub, or as surrounds.
Considering that you have a WIDE range of decent low cost nearfield choices in the $200-300 range, I'd look closely. Of course, it IS a yard sale, and if they're not gone, you could probably get them for less than the asked price.
Location: USA
Posts: 1524
Posted - Sat Aug 09, 2003 10:08 pm
Some great advice from both guys here. A couple of extra thoughts: yes, if the foam surrounds are blown or nearly failing you have the agonizing choice of replacing the drivers with Infinity replacements for far more than your initial $75 outlay, or the dicey process of a do-it-yourself kit. I've been involved with a few replacement jobs on Infinity speakers, and they're generally engineered carefully enough that you want to be really sure of what you're doing.
I don't know this particular model, yet have lived with and around a few kinds of Infinity speakers over the years. You could say I cut my audio teeth on them. There are plenty of models I wouldn't think twice about, while the better ones are some of the nicest-to-work-with home stereo speakers you'll find in the price range.
High tail it back over there and see if there's a way to give them a listen!
Posts: 93
Posted - Sat Aug 09, 2003 11:40 pm
If this was me..(And bear in mind that it isn't)..
The first question I would ask myself is.."Do I currently have studio monitors??"
If the answer is "No", then we come to the next question..
Are they blown/cone ripped/defaced??..
Once again, If the answer is "No",
We then come to question Number 3.....
Do I have $75?
Right on the heels of that is..
Will they take $50?
If the answer to the first 2 questions is "No" and the answer to question number 3 is "yes", then you have yourself a set of Infinity monitors and a smile:)
If the answer to question number 4 is also "Yes", then you have a set of infinity monitors and a bigger smile:D
Location: USA
Posts: 583
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:13 am
Not necessarily, if you tick off the seller, he may decide right there, not to sell them to you, and you go home empty handed. If they're worth $75 to you, buy them, and get them in your car, and leave as soon as possible. Another buyer may be standing in the background. You can dicker if you want, but a great deal is better than no deal.
A set of usable studio monitors for $75 ?? That sounds like a really good deal to me, if they work. That's a rare find at a garage sale.
Location: USA
Posts: 1524
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 9:19 am
...and if they're more than 10-15 years old, they'll almost certainly need a Wooferectomy.
Keep us posted, Brad!
Posts: 546
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 9:43 am
djwayne wrote: |
A set of usable studio monitors for $75 ?? That sounds like a really good deal to me, if they work. That's a rare find at a garage sale. |
But Infinity never really made "studio monitors". They make home speakers, some of which would work pretty darn well as monitors and others I like less than NS-10Ms (believe it or not) ;)
There are a ton of $200-300 bookshelf sized speakers out there, and many clearance/closeouts, etc. in the $150 range. So a pair of questionable speakers for $75 doesn't light me up, especially since "infinity studio monitor 100" doesn't get any Google hits. If on further inspection they're in great shape and turn out to be a higher line $500/pr model, then yeah - snap them up. But any other case is worth some thinking & consideration, and isn't worth crying over if the deal goes south.
Location: USA
Posts: 583
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 9:59 am
Exactly, that's why I asked the question, for a little more money can I get a better set of moniors ??
If I remember correctly, my Yamaha Home Theater speakers were on a clearance sale I think for $150-200 for the pair, and I snapped them up because they looked great, had the 12" speakers I wanted, and sounded great.
I first bought them for my home stereo system, but tried them out in the studio, and they added the oommpphh, the NS-10 don't have, that I wanted. Now with the speaker selection switch installed, I can switch back and forth easily, and I really like that setup. For a home studio, they worked out great. I couldn't duplicate the empty boxes for that !!
I found a set of Harmon-Kardons three-way bookshelf speakers for a dollar each at a thrift store, I was surprized how good they sounded, and the cabinets were in very good condition, I now use them for my living room stereo.
For a dollar each, I didn't have to listen to them first.
Location: USA
Posts: 1524
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 1:00 pm
jester700 wrote: |
But Infinity never really made "studio monitors". They make home speakers, some of which would work pretty darn well as monitors and others I like less than NS-10Ms (believe it or not)  |
Yeah, that's about how I feel about it... well said.
Posts: 546
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 2:11 pm
djwayne wrote: |
I found a set of Harmon-Kardons three-way bookshelf speakers for a dollar each at a thrift store, I was surprized how good they sounded, and the cabinets were in very good condition, I now use them for my living room stereo.
For a dollar each, I didn't have to listen to them first. |
Now THAT's a steal. The HKs were the highest priced bookshelves we used to carry at Circuit City (though I have to admit, I still preferred the JBL L20s). Dr. Toole had a great hand in those, IIRC.
Location: USA
Posts: 583
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 2:33 pm
The H-K's were very old bookshelf cabinets, I'd say 15-25 years old, but back then, Harmon-Kardon was considered to be very expensive & high quality stuff in my circle of friends, and compare quite nicely with another vintage set of speakers I have, made by Sony. Those too were made in the late 60's or 70's. At that time, these were the best sounding speakers anybody I knew had. Over the years though, speaker quality has improved and prices cheapened, I couldn't believe the newer Yamaha deal I got on the Home Theater Speakers, even though they were $150-200 they were marked way down(50% I believe) and for the sound quality, they were the best bargain. I was comparing them to the JBL 4412A's Studio Monitors priced at $1,200 for the pair. They are configured and sound very similar, and the specs are very similar also.
The other great speaker deal I got, was from Circuit City when they opened up a new store they had a grand opening sale, and I got two Bose Bookshelf speakers for $10 each, brand new in the box. These speakers sound and look great !!! I'm currently using them for the rear speakers in my 5.1 system and they compliment the NS-10's and Home Theater speakers very well !! I still can't believe I got these speakers for $10 each !!!!
Posts: 546
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 6:01 pm
djwayne wrote: |
The H-K's were very old bookshelf cabinets, I'd say 15-25 years old, but back then, Harmon-Kardon was considered to be very expensive & high quality stuff in my circle of friends, |
They were considered the best we had at Circuit City in '89-91. Granted that isn't saying much, but they are quality goods. Your speakers are definitely a different generation, but yeah - should be well made stuff.
Quote: |
The other great speaker deal I got, was from Circuit City when they opened up a new store they had a grand opening sale, and I got two Bose Bookshelf speakers for $10 each, brand new in the box. These speakers sound and look great !!! I'm currently using them for the rear speakers in my 5.1 system and they compliment the NS-10's and Home Theater speakers very well !! I still can't believe I got these speakers for $10 each !!!! |
Well, we all have different tastes. I CAN agree that you got a great deal on the Bose and they certainly make good stablemates for NS-10s.
Posts: 106
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 6:48 pm
Well I went back and the vender was gone, it was at the big "127 Yard Sale" and it's about four states long on I-127. People plan their vacations around it. The speakers actually said "Studio Monitors" and the only model no. I found was 100. He was proud of them and hesitant to let them go and his wife said that if they didn't sell she wanted them back in the house. Of course that could have been a "bait and hook" statement. He also had some other nice home stereo equipment so I personally think he was stright with me. The foam around the cones appeared to be good, he was showing me by pushing just around the "dust covers" to flex them. And he mentioned that the coils were not "swelled"?. I couldn't test them because we were in a big field at a Flea Market/Swap Meet setup. I told my wife to look for anything that said "Mackie" though...
Oh well I guess I'll just have to save up to get those neato little $129.00 Edirol's I keep seeing in Musician's Friend - Just Kidding.
Location: USA
Posts: 1524
Posted - Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:41 pm
Well, if it's any comfort, I just popped the grill off the ones over in the other office. They're Studio Monitor 120s. They're good enough, but I wouldn't want to mix on them.
Better luck next time (too bad we don't have our portable stereo rig with amp, CD player, computer with CEP loaded on it all ready to go for occasions like this)!
Location: USA
Posts: 583
Posted - Mon Aug 11, 2003 9:24 am
I dusted off a pair of newer Sony cabinet's I wasn't using, and they beat the pants off the H-K's. They're three-way cabinets with 15 inch speakers. Big and black and are now set up in my living room, on my home stereo. I got them on sale for $100 each. They sound really nice in the living room, but are too big for my studio. They'll work out good for the future 5.1 remote system in the living room. They should sound good with the old Sony Speaker cabinets, but I'll have to get another center-channel speaker & sub-woofer. I have a 10" sub-woofer speaker, and may just build a small ported cabinet for it.
I wouldn't worry too much about not getting those Infinities, there's tons of speakers out there. Just got to find them.
Posts: 546
Posted - Mon Aug 11, 2003 10:24 am
djwayne wrote: |
I dusted off a pair of newer Sony cabinet's I wasn't using, and they beat the pants off the H-K's. They're three-way cabinets with 15 inch speakers. Big and black and are now set up in my living room, on my home stereo. I got them on sale for $100 each. They sound really nice in the living room, but are too big for my studio. They'll work out good for the future 5.1 remote system in the living room. They should sound good with the old Sony Speaker cabinets, but I'll have to get another center-channel speaker & sub-woofer. I have a 10" sub-woofer speaker, and may just build a small ported cabinet for it. |
Just be careful of the "boom/sizzle" factor. I find many big Japanese home speakers are like a mechanical smile curve ;-) They sound good at first, but are fatiguing and don't tell you what's really there. And this is coming from a JBL fan!
Location: USA
Posts: 583
Posted - Mon Aug 11, 2003 10:39 am
No, I'm not getting a "Boom/Sizzle" sound. It's just a very clear, natural, full range sound, where nothing in particular is standing out or muffled. Nice and clean sound.
I've been listening to the radio all morning thru them, and they sounds really good. Very easy to listen to. I'm happy with the sound. The vintage H-K's are now going into storage for future use.