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Posts: 2
Posted - Wed Aug 06, 2003 9:00 am
Im using Cubase vst32 ver 5 and my export audio has decided not to work,someone told me i can playback the whole track on Cubase and record it straight into Cool edit pro?Is this correct?I desperately need to get this song out of Cubase and converted into an mp3.Im using a Yamaha sw1000xg sound card by the way,any help appreciated,thanks!
Location: USA
Posts: 2901
Posted - Wed Aug 06, 2003 3:20 pm
I suppose if worst came to worse, you could loop your audio card's outputs to its inputs, then play back your mix from Cubase to the outs, and set CE to record off the inputs. You'd at least end up with something you can subsequently encode - and since it's going to an .mp3, any degradation would be negligable even if it was an analog transfer (I didn't research your card to see if you've got S/PDIF).

Best... -Jon
Location: USA
Posts: 2887
Posted - Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:48 pm
Stick TapeIt on a channel of Cubase and you're set.
Answer = 1. Probably.
Posts: 2
Posted - Thu Aug 07, 2003 3:12 am
For quickness sake ive tried the 'tape it' option first and it worked great,thanks!but i do know the card i have has a loop around option to record itself but i'll look into the cool edit a bit more to get that to work.My card does have a spdif output but ive never used it:-)