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Location: USA

Posts: 412

Post Posted - Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:26 pm 

The specs of my computer are as follows:

Motherboard/Chipset: ASUS A7A266 DDR SDRAM 266 MHZ FSB AGP Pro/4X Socket A Motherboard with Ali M1647 North Bridge System Chipset

CPU Type/Speed: Athlon Thunderbird XP/1.7 GHZ

Amount of RAM: 778 Kingston 2100 DDR RAM

Graphics Card: Matrox G550

Operating System: Win XP

Service Packs: Service Pack 1a

Primary Recording Software: Cool Edit Pro 2.1

M-audio Products: (2) M-audio Omni Studios and (1) Delta 1010

Driver Version:

IRQ # for Delta 1010: 7

IRQ # for Delta 66 #1: 4

IRQ # for Delta 66 #2: 5

Sharing IRQ with any other device besides ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering? No, however ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering is listed alongside each device.

Problem: No matter which Operating System I put on this machine be it Win 98SE, Win ME, Win XP with Service Pack 1a, I get clicks and pops whenever I press play or stop. The audio itself is fine – there are no clicks and pops within the data – but when I hit play or stop the beginning or end of the audio is mingled with an annoying click, annoying enough for me to switch cards if there isn’t a fix for this. I have tweaked buffer settings, not just within my software but also in the M-audio Delta control panel and am at a complete loss. The only other thing left to try (besides switching soundcards) is to upgrade from a 1.7 GHZ Athlon XP Processor to a Pentium but honestly I would like to avoid that expense if I can. Does anyone have any idea what could be the matter? Again, I am at a complete loss. Thanks.
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Location: Australia

Posts: 3200

Post Posted - Tue Jul 15, 2003 8:18 pm 

I came across [url= Edit&CAT_ID=4&TOPIC_ID=8417&FORUM_ID=15&TOPIC_TITLE=noise showing up out of nowhere&REPLY_ID=47582]this thread [/url] by searching for "delta clicks" and there seemed to be others. You've probably already rummaged through, I guess? Maybe many, many times....

- Ozpeter
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Location: USA

Posts: 412