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 Using more than one M-audio Delta Series Cards
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Location: USA

Posts: 412

Post Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:01 pm 

Is there anyone out there using more than one M-audio Delta Series soundcards with XP and CEP 2.1? The reason I'm asking is I spoke with the head of tech support at M-audio today and come to find out with the new 29 driver it is no longer necessary to sync the cards together via S/PDIF cables... the new drivers handle this for you. According to him [head of tech support at M-audio] he was having the same problems as I which was that no matter how he configured the cards, they wouldn't sync. So in a last ditch effort, he pulled the S/PDIF cables and whalla, the cards synced just fine allowing him to record 16 inputs of perfectly synced audio all at once.... bullcrap. I want to hear this from an actual M-audio Delta Series card user rather than the person selling the cards. If you are set up to try this experimentation, please do so and let me know. All it requires is that you are using XP, 2.1, and have more than one Delta Series soundcard. Thanks.
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Location: USA

Posts: 412

Post Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:04 pm 

Actually, it does require a little more. Select internal Xtal as the master clock for each card and select Multiple Cards. Thanks.
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