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Posts: 15
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:47 pm
I want to make professional voice recordings for radio and TV commercials.
Can somebody please advise me if an AKG 3000 mic and a ROLAND VS2400CD is sufficient and a good choice in order to do this. Or are there better alternatives for this.
Location: Canada
Posts: 330
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 2:32 pm
There are so many mic choices to choose from now you should try a few a the store then decide.
Location: USA
Posts: 2887
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 2:53 pm
Luigi, don't get the Roland. First, they're no good! Second, it has way more stuff than you need for your work. Third, they're really no good!
Get a decent computer (it doesn't have to be lightning fast, but stability is a must), and get Cool Edit Pro if you don't already have either. Get a decent sound card, like an Echo Mia. Get either a good preamp, or a decent mixer. Whether you go for a preamp or mixer, make sure it has Phantom power, a low cut filter, and a clean signal path (which basically eliminates anything cheap).
The deal is that people know the sound of the spoken human voice better than just about any other sound in the world, and if something is not right with it, it will stick out like a sore thumb. This is why you need better (but not as much!) equipment than you'd need for most any instrument (classical engineers, please put away the pistols).
Answer = 1. Probably.
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 6695
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:13 pm
The AKG 3000 would probably be okay as a replacement for the mic I already recommended, although it doesn't have quite the same internal protection from shock as the AT 4033.
Other than that, post is right. Did you look at the 'Experts advice (mike/mixer for voiceovers)'?
Posts: 15
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:15 pm
Post 78, thanks for the advice.
I thought that I was buying a Rolls-Royce system.
What you advised is it good enough to do professional quality radio and TV commercials with voice over sound?
My main concern is not the music track which will be mostly instrumental stuff, but is the voice part. We have good male and female voices but the voice recordings lack certain "warmth", "depth" and does not stand out.
Can you please recommend me a good pre-amp, a good mixer and a good mic? Or better, can you please (re)specify a complete setup for this specific purpose.
Thanks once again for your help.
Posts: 15
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:21 pm
Thanks for the mic recommendation.
What about the Roland, do you think it is not a good product for my needs?
Do you agree with Post 78, that I should go for the alternative that he suggested?
I am really confused, as I urgently need to buy a setup that best fits my needs. I am even prepared to spend a little more if needed.
Please give me your best advice.
Thanks once again for your help.
Location: Canada
Posts: 330
Posted - Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:34 pm
I can second the 4033 recommendation.
The Studio Projects C1 gives a nice sheen on top for that easy to recognize 'movie trailer' voice-over sound. It is natural sounding at the same time.