Location: USA
Posts: 2887
Posted - Tue Jun 17, 2003 4:38 am
To new members:
Please select a subject title for your new topic that somehow describes the main subject of that particular topic. Naming the topic "help" or "question" or "newbie here" doesn't tell us what that thread contains, and will most likely result in your thread being completely ignored by the people that can best help you. Also, when searching for a particular key-word, it is easiest to find the topic of interest when it has an appropriate title: Titling your threads properly will help other new members better find what they need.
Also, please remember that this forum has been around since late 2000, which means that the archives are full of useful information. Please remember to perform a search to see if your question has previously been answered.
Using proper net-etiquette (netiquette) will help you to receive a fast and polite response to your question. Here are some basic examples of proper netiquette:
• Do not use all upper case letters.
Typing every word using all upper case letters can appear as if you're shouting at us. Please only use all upper case letters when your intent really is to shout at us, then be prepared for the massive amount of flames that ensue...
• Do not fill your post up with slang, jive, poo...
While the english language might seem boring to some, it has survived for at least my whole life, which means that there's something right with it. A good percentage of members that use this forum are not from the USA, and most certainly are from nowhere near your particular neck of the woods. Many of them only speak english as a second or third language. When you fill your post with non-existent words and improper spelling, or worse; both at the same time, it tends to cause nothing but confusion, which alienates you from any worthwhile response from some very knowledgeable people. Please try to use proper spelling and punctuation, as well as a dictionary of some sort. If you need some help, hit the spell-checker in the "Format" category above to assist you. It's tha 1 that looks like dis: 
• Please only ask your question once and be patient.
Regular members here read the topics in every forum. If you have a question, please locate the proper forum to place it in and be patient for a response. If someone knows the answer, they will give it. Often times, the person who knows the answer to your question is on the other side of the globe, just going to bed.
Thank you.
Answer = 1. Probably.