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 Soft Synth recording
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Location: USA

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 6:48 am 

:blush:Hello. When recording a softsynth , I go to the Windows sound control panel and choose "Mixed Output". This is the only channel that the synth comes through on. It records fine. However when multitracking all the previous tracks come through and bleed onto the new track. In other words, if I do first a drum track, then a guitar track, then on track three I go to record the softsynth, the softsynth comes through on track three but so do the previous 2 tracks, so I end up getting all three tracks onto track three. I was able to isolate the synth and record it without other tracks bleeding in by using two sound cards in the PC but this caused many lock up problems and I had to remove the second sound card. Is there a way to get the softsynth to record onto a new track without getting all the previous tracks onto the new one? I am using an Ensoniq Proaudio 16 which is more or less a basic Sound Blaster 16 bit full duplex. Do I need something with multiple inputs and outputs? Would an M-Audio 2496 be good or do I need a more elaborate one like the Delta 1010? I hope I explained myself. Hope someone knows what I am talking about and can help. Thanks, Roxanne:blush:
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Location: USA

Posts: 583

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:13 am 

Not knowing your complete set up it's difficult to say exactly what's causing the bleed thru. I had a similar problem which was cause by routing things thru my mixer so I could hear a track while recording another, and had the bleed thru. I eliminated this by changing my routings in my mixer, and using a secondary mixer called the Mix B section, to run my headphone monitoring. This solved the problem, and it wasn't the sound card at all. With this type of set up I can adjust my mix on the headphones any way I want without altering the the track I'm recording. I also had similar problems running two sound cards together, The Audiophile 2496 & the SB Live Value card seem to conflict with each other and causes the CEP to crash or lock up. Either card by themselves seem to work okay, but I get a better sound quality with the Audiophile card alone. My guess is something in your routings before you get to your card, outside the computer, is causing the problem. Here again, I canonly guess as I don't know your complete setup. Hope this helps.
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Location: USA

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:41 am 

Thanks for your input. I have a midi keyboard which I hook up through game port-midi connector on the sound card. I use the midi keyboard to trigger the sounds on a software synthesizer. I am not using a mixing board . On the Windows recording control panel the only channel the softsynth will come through for recording is called " Mixed Output". Unfortunately not only does the synth come through on this channel but so do all other sounds from previous tracks so I can not record the synth alone onto a new channel. I need to get only the synth to record with no other tracks or sounds mixing in with it. I am not sure but maybe I need a sopund card with multiple inputs and outputs? I would like to figure this out before I spend money on something I did not need. I have CEP 2.0, Windows 98SE, Ensoniq Proaudio 16 sound card. Thanks again, Roxanne
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Location: USA

Posts: 442

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:45 am 

Roxanne, you don't have to put out the red light...

Sorry, couldn't help bursting into song!


You might check the output device selected for the track your softsynth sends to... without being able to look at the software, I'm not sure how you'd go about it exactly, but you might look for an "options" or "preferences" menu. If you can send it to a different output than the rest of your mix is going to, then you should still be able to listen to the rest of the mix without recording it.

I hope that helps!


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Location: USA

Posts: 583

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 8:13 am 

If all you're recording is one stereo track at a time, you don't need the 1010 or a multi channel card. Any stereo card should work, as it's just controlling the input & output sound. The midi stuff is seperate from the audio, and you say you're plugging in your keyboard to the computer, and then where do the midi notes go, to an internal sound module or do you have an external module that is routed back into the computer ?? If it's internal there should be routing options there, you may want to check your settings in the windows control panel, in the multi-media section, I've never had any luck with internal synths, and would be lost trying to figure out how they route stuff. Externally though, I would add a mixer with a headphone mixer section, before changing sound cards, but that's just me, hopefully somebody else here on the forums can give you a better answer.
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Location: USA

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:16 am 

Here is somemopre info about my setup. I plug a keyboard in via a midi cable into the sound cards' gameport or midi. The keyboard triggers a softsynth playing wave sample or more specifically sound fonts. To get this to record in CEP I look in teh Windows recording sound panel. I need to check " Mixed Output" in order to get the keyboard to record. However, coming through this "mixed output "channel are also all other poreviously recorded tracks. I can't isolate just the keyboard. So for example if I have drums on track one, guitar on track two , then I go to record the keyboard on track three, and choose "Mixed Output" I can record the keyboard but also tracks one and two come through also so track three comes out with three instrumets, the drums from track one , the guitar from track two plus the new track three with the keyboard. Maybe a similar stereo card like the m-audio 2496 with different drivers will solve the problem? I really only need to record one track at a time but I want to be able to isolate the keyboard and record only it's sound onto a track without bleeding other tracks with it. Thanks, Roxanne
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Location: USA

Posts: 583

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 10:21 am 

Hmmm. I'm used to playing with sampled wavs from external sound modules from a sequencing program that drives the modules seperately for each track. It sound to me like your using an internal sound module who's routing is getting combined with the outputs of the first two tracks, I would suggest routing the first two track outputs directly to the sound card in the multi-track, and the midi outputs directy into Cool Edit using the record seletion in the tracks properties. Just right click on the track box, and a track properties box should appear, look for the record selection box and click on the arrow, it should show you the different places where you can record from and I think by selecting wav mapper, you can get an input, but I'm not sure if your wav mapper is connected to only your sound font program correctly, so I would say experiment with those setting, before running out and buying a new card, I could be wrong, but I don't think it's a sound card problem, but more of an internal routing problem.
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Location: United Kingdom

Posts: 6695

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:01 pm 

Woa there! Steady on... Softsynths are different. If you can get the softsynth to output when you select the 'Mixed' output, you must almost be there. What this does is to take whatever signal is available from all the sources in your PC and mix them together. So the WAV output will be mixed in with your softsynth, along with anything else that can cause a sound output. That's why you are recording everything else at the same time.

It may well be that in the mixer 'record' controls that you haven't got the input for the softsynth visible, but it will be there, somewhere. So we are talking Options>Properties, and then get all the controls visible. You may find a couple of weird ones - make them visible as well. Now, one of these inputs is going to be the internal source of your softsynth. So you select them individually until you discover which one it is. And that's the only source you select to record the softsynth from. This way, you don't get the other tracks mixed with it.

Hopefully, this should be all that you need to do. But there have been one or two other issues with this scenario before, but we can cross that bridge if we come to any of them...

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Location: USA

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 5:50 pm 

Thank you for taking the time Steve G. I was aware that some of those controls can be hidden unless you check them to appear via options\property\recording. I checked all the controls so that they all appear. The only time sound records from the softsynth is through the "Mixed Output" channel. This is the problem. I am beginning to think I may need to try different drivers or a new card. I had some success by installing a second sound card. I was able to record just the softsynth however I had many problems with lock ups of CEP and general PC crashes and blue outs until I uninstalled the second sound card. I have heard more than one sound card can cause problems. Thank you anyhow. I'll still wait and hope that someone has had experience with my problem and may know of a solution. Roxanne:(SadSad
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Location: USA

Posts: 583

Post Posted - Thu Apr 24, 2003 6:14 pm 

I don't know if this will be any help, but I tried using the SBLive value card withe Audiophile card and had lots of crashes, I took out the SBL and the crashes stopped. I currently just use the Audiphile and it works great for me. I'm planning on adding a 7.1 Revolution card to hook up with the new 5.1 surround sound feature of Cool Edit Pro 2.1. I'm hoping the 7.1 and the 2496 will work well together but I haven't tried it yet. I'm very leary of getting a SB 5.1 as I don't want my system crashing.
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Location: United Kingdom

Posts: 6695

Post Posted - Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:17 am 

Roxanne1 wrote:
Thank you for taking the time Steve G. I was aware that some of those controls can be hidden unless you check them to appear via options\property\recording. I checked all the controls so that they all appear. The only time sound records from the softsynth is through the "Mixed Output" channel. This is the problem. I am beginning to think I may need to try different drivers or a new card. I had some success by installing a second sound card. I was able to record just the softsynth however I had many problems with lock ups of CEP and general PC crashes and blue outs until I uninstalled the second sound card. I have heard more than one sound card can cause problems. Thank you anyhow. I'll still wait and hope that someone has had experience with my problem and may know of a solution. Roxanne:(SadSad

So we are into the exceptions... there is a fairly good chance in this case that your softsynth is using a 'directsound' buss output, and this can be notoriously difficult to do anything about. Basically, this gets mixed in with everything that you can control, and fed back internally to the record section of the card. I don't know if there actually is a good answer to your situation - except by changing the card. I have a Mia, which has 4 'virtual' output pairs, and it is possible to route softsynths to just one of these, which means that you can have some control over what's happening, but this doesn't necessarily help fix your problem. What might, though, is a soundcard with more than one discrete output, but you'd still have to re-record the output through an input whilst monitoring previous tracks on the other output. This sounds messy, though.

So what do other people do?

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Location: USA

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:23 am 

Thanks again Stevie. ( If I may ) This time I think you are onto something. This softsynth (Reality) does need Direct X. I believe the only way out is a new card. I think that the Echo cards do not have midi input. I think that I would have to get a separate midi interface. It would be nice to get the midi input right on the sound card. I was thinking of either an M-Audio or and Echo. I did write to the Softsynth people to hear what they have to say. I'll make a decision after hearing from them. Does anyone know of any other softsynths that can be played in real time with little latency? Thanks again. Roxanne
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Location: United Kingdom

Posts: 6695

Post Posted - Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:39 am 

Roxanne1 wrote:
Thanks again Stevie. ( If I may ) This time I think you are onto something. This softsynth (Reality) does need Direct X. I believe the only way out is a new card. I think that the Echo cards do not have midi input. I think that I would have to get a separate midi interface. It would be nice to get the midi input right on the sound card. I was thinking of either an M-Audio or and Echo. I did write to the Softsynth people to hear what they have to say. I'll make a decision after hearing from them. Does anyone know of any other softsynths that can be played in real time with little latency? Thanks again. Roxanne

There is a new version of the Mia called the Mia MIDI (or is it MIDI Mia?) that does have MIDI capability (now, there's a surprise!). Incidentally, CEP's 'problem' with DX is that whilst the basic DX plugins are supported, it doesn't support DXi, which is what the softsynths tend to use, so you can't play them from within the S/W.

But thinking about it a bit, there may be a way to do what you want with the Mia, because strictly speaking it is a 4 in 4 out card - the other ins and outs being S/PDIF. You might be able to isolate the DirectSound output to the S/PDIF channel and route this back to the input S/PDIF whilst monitoring on the analog outputs. I haven't tried this, so I don't know if it's actually possible. I have the depressing feeling that the master clock might get a bit hacked off if it's driven from its own output, which is what would happen with the S/PDIF loopback, but hey, it might work...

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Location: USA

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:15 pm 

Dear Stevie, This time you got it right. I looked into the Echo Mia Midi Mamma Mia pci card. It allows an editor and softsynth to play at the same time unlike other cards. In their own words: "with Echo's "multi-client" drivers, more than one application (such as an editor and software synth) can be playing back through Mia at the same time." I am going to have to get with of these babies I guess. Thanks for telling me Echo made a card with midi.
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Location: Australia

Posts: 3200

Post Posted - Sun May 04, 2003 5:55 am 

Reading this very belatedly I wonder whether the routing control available within Synthedit (where you arrange all the components as you wish and wire them up on-screen) would make any difference? If you are still around, Roxanne1, email me via the forum and I'll email my notes on this subject. Even if it doesn't fully address your problem I suspect from your posts you might find it interesting (and it's freeware).

- Ozpeter
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