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 "hot spot" monitor for bass
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Posts: 101

Post Posted - Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:57 am 

kind of OT--I'm looking for a small (ear-level) powered monitor for my drummer, so he can hear the bass better. I've seen some of the "hot spot" these work fairly well? alternatively, how would a relatively inexpensive bass amp, perhaps set up at ear level, work? advice appreciated.
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Location: USA

Posts: 3971

Post Posted - Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:21 am 

The Hotspot monitor will work fine. They can actually get quite LOUD! I used one originally (years back) to hear myself better, but then found out that I could get searing/controllable feedback with my guitar touching it and it became a part of my regular rig. I ran mine as an extension cabinet and used it's onboard power to push it. If your bass player has a non-powered output on his/her amp, they could send that to the hotspot. They're really convenient and mine fit on a micstand. Shy

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Posts: 101

Post Posted - Thu Feb 27, 2003 8:59 am 

excellent, thanks. yes, he's got the proper output on his rig.

Ah, feedback..well this is a bit different but I've discovered I can get real nice contollable feedback with my trumpet, using a clip-on mic and a little Boss distortion pedal...
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