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 MP3 problems
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Jerry Meloon

Posts: 4

Post Posted - Thu May 03, 2001 11:34 am 

We recently upgraded to v1.1 of CE2000 and now find that we are extremely limited in what we can do with MP3 recordings. Anything we try to save as MP3 "MUST" be done as 44.1 stereo. Anything else and we get an error message saying that we have to change the sampling rate and convert to stereo. What has changed? We used to revel in 22,050 mono for commercial distribution and now it's taking 4x as long to upload an ad.

Jerry Meloon, WDBA/WREQ
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Syntrillium M.D.

Location: USA

Posts: 5124

Post Posted - Thu May 03, 2001 12:46 pm 

This is certainly not normal behavior. In fact, you should have more options. When you go to save as MP3, click the OPTIONS button in the Save As dialog. Once the MP3 options window is open, you should click on the pull-down menu (below VBR/CBR) and you should have a host of encoding options. If you for some reason had it on a 'custom' setting or one of the presets, perhaps that is why it was forcing 44.1...

Let us know.

---Syntrillium Support


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Craig Jackman

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