Location: USA
Posts: 2901
Posted - Sun May 13, 2001 3:12 am
Well, Garrett, if you've followed the suggestions in the article, I suppose the only things left are to run with acceleration diminished, and/or drop your resolution to 256 colors - preferably lower. Cool Edit still works fine in 16 color - this isn't a beauty pageant, y'know, and what we're looking to achieve here is optimization of bus performance and CPU loading - dump the video overhead when you're editing. AGP can rob the system, too.
If there's any way for you to enable that command-queue status bit, then do so. If not, get a different card which has a driver written for it that will behave as it should - even if you have to go to PCI.
I've never been much impressed with AGP myself and just went back to using two inexpensive PCI video cards (main, Riva TNT - secondary, ATI Rage Pro). Sure, it sucks up an extra slot, but with five slots on the mainboard, I'm just filling them up (two Layla's, 1 Adaptec SCSI host, 2 video).
You can always reset your resolution appropriately for graphics-based programs.
All the best... -Jon