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 Four tracking
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Posts: 6

Post Posted - Thu Jan 11, 2001 10:48 pm 

I have a Tascam Porta 2 four track recorder, and I was wondering if anyone knew the process I would need to go through to place four tracks onto my hardrive.

I am new to the program and to recording in general, and I was also wondering if cool edit pro allows you the full options of production.

I would appreciate anyone's help.

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Syntrillium M.D.

Location: USA

Posts: 5124

Post Posted - Fri Jan 12, 2001 9:35 am 

Hello. Well, if you are using an analog porta studio (with cassette tape) the only way to transfer the tracks into cool edit, and keep them separated and in sync would be to use four discrete outputs from the 4-track to 4 discrete inputs on your soundcard. You cannot simply transfer them one at a time and line them up later because with analog tape you will experience time drift/tape dragging. This is a function of analog recording, and without having some type of 'sync' signal to lock them together, they will not stay in time without it. The other option is to essentially 'mix' the tracks, and use the porta-studio's stereo out and go into the line in on your soundcard.

---Syntrillium Support


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Evin Rude

Posts: 3

Post Posted - Fri Jan 12, 2001 11:58 am 

What kind of sound card do you have on your computer? Better yet, how many inputs and outputs does it have?

For a sound card that has one input, simply run the main out of the four track into that input on the sound card (you may need some sort of splitter for cabling mind you).
For a sound card that has, say four inputs, simply connect each channel out on the foru track to its own input on the soundcard. Then when you record, each track on the four track can be recorded on separate tracks in your computer's audio appliaction.

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