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 cant configure windows recording control/volume co
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Posts: 21

Post Posted - Sun Dec 24, 2000 9:05 pm 

several posts have been previously made concerning (1) trk 2 not in sync with trk 1 on playback and (2) signal previously recorded on trk 1 is alsorecorded into trk 2 when all you want to do is hear trk 1 while recording trk 2. To both of these you listed as a possible reason that more than 1 device for recording had been selected.
I have ver 1.2 and have both of the above named problems but cant fix the problem in the manner you suggested. (see reply to mike, posted on 12/05/00 @ 10:26 pm) In your instructions you mention a check box with "select" to the right of it beneath each recording device. My OS is win98 and it has no such check box with the word select to the right of it. what it has is a check box to mute the recording device, so I figure if I want to select only "line input" then I leave the mute box for this unchecked and mute everything else, which means I would have to mute wave in the recording control mode. when I do this it also mutes wave in the volume control mode which means I cant hear track 1 as I'm laying down trk 2.
Do I have a sound card problem? shouldn't I be able to mute wave in the recording mode without it affecting the volume control mode. If I don't mute wave in the rec control mode then I am selecting 2 devices which will cause the program to record the material on trk 1 to trk 2. I am working with a laptop so changing soundcards is not an option. would app very much an comments or suggestions on correcting this problem
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Syntrillium M.D.

Location: USA

Posts: 5124

Post Posted - Tue Jan 02, 2001 1:34 pm 

Hi there. I think you are confusing the recording/playback options. If you double click on the yellow speaker icon in your system tray (bottom right hand corner) it will bring up your windows mixer. Once it is open, select Options>Properties. Verify that it is using your soundcard and click on the Recording box. Put a checkbox in all devices listed and click ok. Now, Mute all EXCEPT Line In. Now, with the window still open, go back to Options>Properties and Select Playback. Click OK. Wave should not be muted, as one really doesn't relate to the other. If anything, a 'Master' should be selected. If you find that wave is muted, try un-muting and go back to the Record options to verify that only LineIn is unmuted. I believe that Win98 only lets you select one device at a time.

If you continue to have problems, you may want to update your soundcard driver.

---Syntrillium Support


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