Considering how you are using it, I recommend not purchasing (I hesitate to call it an upgrade). I purchased it and really dislike it so far.
Can you tell me what it is specifically that you don't like? The more ammunition I can gather, the better...
Since you've asked...
I spent the last 5 days working with it just to put it through its paces and make sure there weren't things I was just missing or maybe just complaining about because they were somehow a bit different.
I work a lot in Multitrack and they've really made the Multitrack section more like the clunky MT section of their video editors (I have owned Adobe CS3 Production Premium for over four years).
In Multitrack I hate...
...the absence of a toolbar.
... the lack of ability to select many clips at once and group them in one click. (The new way, selecting each clip and then sliding, is awful and slow.)
... the way the program reacts when moving clips. It is now very slow and awkward to line up something exactly when matching. I don't need a box to pop up when I move a clip! When I've moved a clip and stopped moving it, that is where I want it!
... the new way to call up an effects rack. I don't want to be forced to do a couple of keystrokes now or some menu clicking to bring up a track's effects rack. Double-clicking on the effects rack of your chosen track was a very simple and quick way to access the effects rack. It wasn't broken but they decided to break it.
... the fact that, once an effects rack is chosen, the plug-ins GUI in the effects rack does NOT come up with it. One must click on the chosen plug-in and then a separate window pops up with the plug-in, thus cluttering up the screen. I end up moving the windows around so I can see both the plug-in and effects rack at the same time in order to see the I/O meters of the effects rack AND any metering on the plug-in. This change has made the process slow. (Sorry, Adobe, but I like to set good gain structure, unlike many video editors whose work I've had the misfortune to hear.)
... the lack of ability to zoom in vertically using the scroll bar. It's now click, click, click instead of simply grabbing the top or bottom of the scroll bar and stretching or shrinking it, thus zooming vertically. This change is utter nonsense and slows down workflow (hmm, I'm sensing a theme).
... the new, see-through faders that are the same color as the background upon which they rest. This makes them harder to see compared AA 3.0.1, or any other virtual or actual mixer I've EVER used! The faders don't need to ever be slightly transparent - they are only good for getting to a certain range of a number, and any incremental changes are usually typed in by me anyway. The worst part of this change in faders is that they now change brightness along with the background, thus ALWAYS making them the same color as the background - and that is truly stupid.
... the absence of color to the Mute, Solo and Record buttons when not engaged. They've made them all look the same with the exception of a letter. Once again, truly stupid.
... the new GUI that has made divisions between mixer channels much less distinct, regardless of color scheme and brightness chosen. It appears as one big mixer mess.
... that there is NO MORE hybrid too, but instead the Time Selection tool acts most closely like the hybrid.
In general, I hate...
... the new GUI. It has made everything really uniformly utilitarian and ugly. There is much less distinction between windows, regardless of scheme or brightness.
... the fact that there is no more Multitrack View without a Multitrack session being open or creating a new session before it will open. Having to create a session, with parameters, before Premiere Pro would open was a default in CS3 and I hated that too.
I have not been doing much editing in the program yet, so I don't have many specifics on my dislikes of the editing section.
I understand that this program has been molded to integrate more easily with the other Adobe products, but in doing so they've lessened Audition. Rather than taking much of the best of that program and integrating those features into the other programs they've instead chiseled away at Audition by taking away features and functionality that made it a great program.
I'll still be attempting to tame Audition CS5.5 but it will still just be viewed by me as an experiment to try rather than as a useful tool. I'll be sticking with AA3.0.1 for the foreseeable future.