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Topic: Windows 7 and usb 1.1 interfaces  (Read 1427 times)
« on: December 23, 2010, 12:30:47 AM »
Wildduck Offline
Posts: 799

I've started a new topic as the last discussion became too old and off-topic.

I still have an Acer AMD based laptop with ATI chipset that glitches appallingly when used with a usb 1.1 device plugged directly into the machine, but which is much improved by the use of an external usb 2.0 powered or unpowered hub. My Intel based machine doesn't show the same effect.

I have asked high and low and responded to messages in other forums but have not found anyone who will do a simple test and report the result, so I'm asking again here.

Has any one here got a usb 1.1 audio device and access to an AMD based Windows 7 laptop to carry out a simple test? It would just involve installing an asio-based audio app (eg Wavosaur if you want something free that doesn't use an Audition activation) and replaying any wave file while switching between tabs in Windows Control Panel.

Reply #1
« on: December 23, 2010, 11:57:40 AM »
SteveG Offline
Posts: 10010

C'mon guys - somebody's got to be able to help!

I can't, simply because I've always regarded USB1.1 for audio as well beyond redemption and we don't have a single audio device in the place capable of doing it. We have a laptop somewhere with W7 on it I believe, but it's certainly not mine...

So I'm in no position to offer any assistance at all with such a bizarre combination of the new and the old!

Reply #2
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:47:25 PM »
frugal Offline
Stop the world...this isn't my bus. Posts: 221


Sorry, pretty sure my M-Audio Quattro is USB 1.1 but I don't have Win7 or an  AMD machine.

The Frugal Audio Guy
Reply #3
« on: December 26, 2010, 10:45:13 PM »
oretez Offline
Posts: 705

I, too, have one of the three.  Have not used usb 1 or audio since usb 2 but still have device

have AMD motherboard (old, on which I actually used the usb device) but no HD attached and doubt it would support Win7 in any case

and will only migrate to Win7 when absolutely forced to by a mission critical software running on nothing else (still limping into linux land)

otherwise would have been happy to try the test back when
Reply #4
« on: December 29, 2010, 08:22:10 PM »
Wildduck Offline
Posts: 799

Oh well, thanks to all who looked and thought.

I'm fairly sure there are some current usb1.1 devices and the ones I have work perfectly well for 44.1 or 48kHz stereo.

A handful of friends have had major machine failures - one on a laptop in the field. Luckily she had time to ask me and she was able to get a replacement machine that came with the "optional downgrade" to XP.

As time goes on there will be fewer machines with XP drivers available. I'll continue to search and to poke around.

In case anyone is still looking, it's worth adding that it is laptops I'm primarily looking at, and that seem to have the most Win7 + chipset + usb problems.
Reply #5
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:41:42 PM »
Havoc Offline
Posts: 1187

Got access to an Intel laptop with W7 or an AMD one with linux. Neither is of any help and then I don't have a usb audio interface at all. Sorry...

Expert in non-working solutions.
Reply #6
« on: March 19, 2011, 05:49:59 PM »
Wildduck Offline
Posts: 799

Subject to further testing, I believe I have got this solved. But the whole operation has raised a lot more questions.

My laptop has a Turion 64 processor and ATI chipset, and is an Acer 5536. Mysteriously, during the months I have been looking at this, a usb driver for the machine appeared in the Win7 64-bit driver section of the Acer support site. It was quite old and ominously had the letters XP in the file name. Acer seem to have at least 3 different driver sites and it looks to me as though someone is trying to make them all contain the same files.

Where I say install, this always involves a subsequent reboot.

I installed it, but then couldn't find any reference to it anywhere on the machine, and the appalling usb1.1 interface performance remained the same.

Following a really helpful post from someone who had found a cure, I went, on his advice, to

and downloaded the current ver 11.2 South Bridge driver. This comes with a "Catalyst" installer which crashes on my machine, but only after creating an ATI directory with all the files in it. Drill down through Packages, Drivers, SB8xx and you get to a USB Filter directory, with a pdf file that referred to messages I was seeing on the glitching usb bus. I followed their installation procedure as per the pdf, but saw none of the messages that they said to expect. However, my usb 1.1 audio interfaces now work fine.

The "Catalyst" appcrash points to ntdll.dll, a Microsoft file. I'm now trying to work out why my machine has 2 of these in different directories and of different sizes, but both with the same description details. Son with Win 7 Ultimate has 2 different different sizes.

Sorry this has taken so long. Hope it helps someone else.

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