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Topic: I guess its official  (Read 7334 times)
Reply #30
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:31:52 PM »
andres Offline
Posts: 49


Surely it's possible to use another sequencer just to record MIDI tracks, and then import them in Audition for mixing and mastering.
I use Cubase for this, and I find "Audition 3 + Cubase" a very good and complete solution.

But, anyway:

- having a good MIDI support in Audition would be better than being forced to use another sequencer for that: an "all in one" solution is something different
- today MIDI and virtual instruments support are a must: you loose a big slice of the market without them

Charcot -
Reply #31
« on: December 02, 2010, 06:14:25 AM »

I like keeping the midi side separate from editing in Audition. I do all the "non-live" work in Sonar, with drums, pianos, organ etc (everything I can't play  grin), render them either to finished mono or for drums often to individual drum tracks, then open them in Audition and add guitar, bass and vocals.

It isn't often I have to go back and re-render the midi tracks, but if I do, I have the session saved in Sonar so it's only a matter of a few minutes work. And it alll works much better in Sonar than in Audition - horses for courses sez I!
Reply #32
« on: December 02, 2010, 12:07:52 PM »
ronmac Offline
Do Not Adjust Your Set Posts: 92

I like keeping the midi side separate from editing in Audition. I do all the "non-live" work in Sonar, with drums, pianos, organ etc (everything I can't play  grin), render them either to finished mono or for drums often to individual drum tracks, then open them in Audition and add guitar, bass and vocals.

It isn't often I have to go back and re-render the midi tracks, but if I do, I have the session saved in Sonar so it's only a matter of a few minutes work. And it alll works much better in Sonar than in Audition - horses for courses sez I!

I don't do much in the way of midi creation or editing. If I did I would think it would be best to follow this approach.

If a man only has one hammer in his tool box every problem is going to look like a nail...
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