There are a couple of things that really annoy me with the FX rack. Things like you have to remember the name of an fx (and how to spell it exactly) when resaving it. You don't have a lot of space to see the whole name of the fx, not able to readily copy fxs or rename them, no facility to backup the fx rack and the list goes on.
Now while I have every confidence that many of these things will be sorted out in AA4 (
) in the meantime I'm currently finalising a utility which will interact with the AA2 or AA3 effects rack and make these functions a lot easier.
Specifically it will provide functionality to:-
Rename, Delete or Copy an FX Rack Preset
Backup the FX Rack settings
Send/Transmit an FX Rack Setting name across to the "Add Preset" dialog box text input in AA (save remembering the name & then retyping it)
And no this is not another get rich quick scheme - mind you I was able to spring for a couple of cups of coffee out of the last one
So if there are any suggestions for other features I would be happy to take them on board.