Here's the situation. I recorded a VoIP call of mine, and instead of using the wave-out for the capture, I captured a mono direct mic feed. As a result, I'm faced the following issues:
1) Motherboard interference (integrated soundcard)
2) Barely audible second person. (audio was captured from headphones)
3) TOO audible "ME".
I've tried several trial plug-ins and haven't had much luck with any of them so far, most probably due to the fact that I lack experience in this type of setting. The audio as a whole is very important to me, and re-recording is not an option. I am willing to go to whatever lengths neccessary in order to improve the audibility of the second voice.
I've included a small sample to demonstrate the above issues.
I realize that it might be a long shot, but is the vocal track recoverable? If so, can anyone advise on a good restoration suite/plug-in, and if possible, some good settings to try and adjust for better audibility?
Thanks for your attention.