I have been slowly buying equipment to record radio broadcasts with and I would like to know something.
I had purchased an audio buddy which helped to boost my voice recordings. I had that hooked up with a TCM 1050 Vacuum Tube Condenser Mic Power Supply. I recently purchased a SHARK DSP110 to help compression with voice range etc.... I want to know if I need to use both the audio buddy and the SHARK DPS 110 or can I just use the SHARK? It seems that I'm overmodulating more when both are hooked up? Do these both have pre-amps in them? I'm thinking I can send the audio buddy back and keep the SHARK. Please advise.
Regarding the SHARK DPS 110 - I'm trying to figure out what compression amount to put on it from 0 to 100. Any suggestions?
I'm just learning how to get stuff hooked up - so
Donna Kazenske