I’m not sure exactly what I want to ask. It is something along the lines of “what is the meaning of this?” or “what is the significance of this?”
This needs a little explanation. It started with a another forum’s thread on this thread’s topic. Someone posted saying he could consistently differentiate the 96kHz version vs the resampled 44.1kHz version of the triangle sample (triangle-2_2496) from the PCXAB site
He resampled with Audition 3 using a quality setting of 999. Remembering the admonition about overly high quality settings, I ran a few tests. I only have CE2K, so I don’t know how results might be different with Audition 3.
Comparing resampling with quality 999 vs quality 250 by means of Mix Paste Inverted, I found a very large residual signal. A little more fiddling led me to make the same comparison between quality 250 and quality 251. Again there is a large data difference, much more than between a CD track and an mp3 encoded version of same, for instance.
I know that misalignment by even one sample makes for a major difference, but that does not seem to be the problem here. The samples line up, one to one, and the wave form appears to make all the same changes on corresponding samples. The sample values themselves are the difference.
Comparing the 250 and 251 versions (via Synchronize Cursor across Windows), the individual peaks as shown by the waveform drawing appear to be just about the same, even though the samples nearest those peaks have different values. Between the 250 and 999 versions, however, the individual peaks could differ by at least 2dB. Analyze/Statistics on the entire file (all 4.4 seconds of it, most being the fade out) gave almost identical peak and RMS values, in spite of the difference in individual peaks.
We know that making this kind of data comparison with mp3s and other perceptual encoded audio is meaningless. It isn’t the numerical dissimilarity of the data that is significant. That apparently is also true here, but perhaps based on something other than psycho acoustics? I don’t think the program is concerned with that kind of algorithm for resampling, is it?