Wait for Me makes a better first impression with a quick listen - except the drums are pumping enough that it's distracting. Any chance of a remix/fix on that before you send it out?
It's true that it makes a better first impression, which implies that The Last Days is a better song. I can remix Wait for Me. I may very well do that. However, I may simply opt for recording one of my newer tunes, so that it can make a good first impression with a better song.
I ended up using The Last Days and Wait for me (along with another song, It's Alright) on a demo I submitted to a prominent publicist. It's all a bit moot now because she dug the songs and has decided to 'take me in'! Now we just need to pitch a demo to the labels. I need to record new songs for that, I think! We'll see what happens. Everyone else is telling me to use what I have, but I know I can do better so I keep waiting.