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Topic: Audition locking up after a few minutes.  (Read 607 times)
« on: February 13, 2006, 10:25:54 PM »
dhansen Offline
Posts: 3

Hello, long time lurker first time poster.  I'm trying to record 12 tracks of music but the new version of Adobe Audition locks up after about 3 minutes of recording.  I've tried every combonation of buffers but still get the same results.

Here's my setup:

AMD Athalon 2.1 GHz processor
512 MB Ram
2- Echo Layla 24/96 cards
Windows XP SP2
1- 160 Gb 7200 RPM IDE drive (Maxtor)
2- 300 Gb 7200 RPM IDE drives (Maxtor) All drives freshly defragged
Two temp folders on 2 different physical drives

If I have task manager up it doesn't show the system using up too much CPU or RAM when it locks up.

If someone has a similar setup could you post your settings?  Do I need more horsepower, RAM?

Thanks in advance!

Reply #1
« on: February 14, 2006, 01:15:42 AM »
Aim Day Co Offline
Posts: 899


Doug, have you tried Echo's 6.13 drivers. I know you may not have the 3G soundcard but these drivers are an ASIO based version so MAY work. Remember to set a rollback point in case they don't work. Worth a try m8


Reply #2
« on: February 14, 2006, 01:57:29 AM »
ozpeter Offline
Posts: 2167

Check the setting of the leftmost "play" button in the transport. Right-click on it to see and set the options. Ensure that one of the first three options is selected. If one of the remaining options is used, recording may stop unexpectedly or fail to start under some circumstances.

Also, check that in "Edit > Audio Hardware Setup" you have NOT ticked the box that releases the ASIO driver in the background. If that is ticked and you "click away" from Audition, recording or playback will stop as the ASIO driver is released.
Reply #3
« on: February 14, 2006, 04:24:51 AM »
dhansen Offline
Posts: 3

I have the release ASIO driver UNticked and the transport option is set for "Play from Cursor to the end of file".   I can try the 3G drivers but this is one of the 24/96 cards. (got them at a good price since they were phasing them out, now starting to regret it.)

I'll give the drivers a try though...

Reply #4
« on: February 14, 2006, 04:27:27 AM »
dhansen Offline
Posts: 3

Another point, the drive that is hosting the recorded files may be sharing an IDE channel with the DVD burner.  Anyone know of issues with this setup?

Thanks again!
Reply #5
« on: February 14, 2006, 05:17:48 AM »
oretez Offline
Posts: 515

It's not automatically a problem

generally you want  the drive to be 'master' and in conjunction with any kind of auto play polling invoked on an optical drive (and HD in slave position) this can cause problems in demanding recording situations

Anything that shifts focus from the streaming process can cause problems with integrety of recording, but in the past the typical system problems were ones with drop out (clicks pops), on the fly resampling,   which even in XP can still happen and did not necessarily produce symptoms of stoping the recording process entirely

Trouble shooting process, for me, would be to unintstall one audio card, make sure the system was optimized to work with that card then add the second one.  In my experiments with AA2 and two different manufactured cards (one internal PCI one firewire) I did experince some interesting clock issues

(on the level checking to see if everything is pluged in by any chance did you have timed record engaged?)

good luck
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