I guess where I am confused is what sort of post processing you do, when and why...i.e, where do you use a limiter and what in the finished project let you know that you needed to limit it? Like I said, I have had ZERO formal training. I taught myself to use cooledit and do imaging.
Thanks for the help.
I had overlooked that you were the original poster, so my last post probably sounded a bit funny. I have not had any formal training, and I'm sure others that have can offer more help, but ill add another comment, FWIW.
I rarely find the need to add much at all to a final mixdown, because I usually do all the post-processing (mastering/compression/limiting, effects and EQ) in the multitrack view. I use nothing but my ears in deciding what to do with a mix.
Limiting after mixdown is useful to make a mix "hotter", especially for radio play, by squashing dynamics, resulting in a more "in your face" sound.