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Topic: Latest CHR/HOT AC DEMO  (Read 1134 times)
« on: October 19, 2005, 04:03:48 AM »
James Lee Offline
Posts: 48


Here is my latest CHR/HOT AC demo...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, moved halfway across the country, got married and started a new job, all within 3 months, just finally settling down and getting in a routine.  Enjoy the demo, currently working on my New Country Demo, and Classic Rock Demo.

Comments, questions, thoughts all welcome and appreciated. Thanks.

James Lee

"Life is not tried it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire" - Garth Brooks
Reply #1
« on: October 19, 2005, 09:51:09 PM »
BFM Offline
Posts: 853

James you certainly have a talent and I hope you continue to develop it. As with Marty (my jingle mentor) you have a habit of re-re-re-repeating the same effects over and over. I mean this kindly - (and speaking as a listener) I am not thick, I am not stupid, I heard the effect a couple of times and it was really cool, but the same thing keeps coming on again and again and again, and it makes for tiring listening. The VOs sound great too, but again the reads they're doing on this demo are the same, again and again and again. Once you've demostrated your skill at one type of production move on to something else, and then something else, keep the listener engaged. So what if the radio is playing the same jingles over and over - you're bringing something fresh to the party right? And I'm sure you've got more than two effects in your arsenal.

The talent is unquestionable, it's there, you have it, no problem. Now give your demos more variety, make them interesting to listen to, use the age-old tricks of the masters - light and shade, loud and quite, fast and slow, backwards and forwards, up and down, big and small etc.

Hurry up and post the next one!!  wink
Reply #2
« on: October 20, 2005, 05:22:53 PM »
MartysProduction_dot_com Offline
Posts: 168



Rockin demo.  Stop that---you are making me look bad--bitch!  Seriously I love some of your fx!


Marty Mitchell, CENM
Chief Executive Noize Maker
The BEST Noize You'll Ever Hear!™
Reply #3
« on: November 14, 2005, 06:13:43 PM »
zenpicker Offline
Posts: 46


Can you give me some pointers on how to create the stutter effect on the voices?

Reply #4
« on: November 15, 2005, 03:14:26 PM »

Yeah, give us a nice tutorial on the voice studder fx  Smiley
Reply #5
« on: November 17, 2005, 03:49:27 AM »
James Lee Offline
Posts: 48


Sorry for the really late reply.  Let's see if I can type this out so it makes sense.  there are multiple ways to stutter.  The easiest way I have found is in the multi track view of AA or CEP.  I isolate the area i want to stutter, I check it out by highlighting it, and clicking the loop or infinity button, this will replay that little piece so you hear how it sounds stuttered.  Then I do a "ctrl K" or split clip while it is highlighted.  This will split it right were you want it.  Then slide the clip to the right of the stutter piece out of the way, and click on the piece you want stuttered and then loop or clip duplicate with no gaps, as many times as you want it to repeated.  then i slide the clip to the right of it back up against it and complete the phrase.  Hopefully this makes sense, if it doesn't I will retype it and maybe do the tutorial in an audio file.  Other questoins feel free to ask.  Again sorry for the late reply.


James Lee

"Life is not tried it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire" - Garth Brooks
Reply #6
« on: November 17, 2005, 04:05:13 AM »
zenpicker Offline
Posts: 46


Thia worked perfectly! Thanks

Reply #7
« on: November 18, 2005, 11:35:06 PM »
BFM Offline
Posts: 853

(to help you improve your demo)

It's just occurred to me listening again, that playing all those songs over the same beat kind of contradicts the "variety" idea the demo is trying to push, because the same beat means the same thing - the opposite of variety. A demo engages the listener much more when the bits and effects are all different. I don't think the demo itself should be such a polished production ready for air as a promo. I would rather hear a half-second silence or a tone between each bit, may sound an odd thing to do but think about it.
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