We're in the middle of reorg'ing the living room into a two-PC area: a home office and a CoolEdit Corner. We've not bought any furniture yet,

but I've done some hopeful sketches. And it got me thinking about speaker placement. So I searched the old Forum and this one, and all I can find with regard to speaker placement are the expected phrases something like, "...your speaker placement will make a difference".
Well I guess I'm looking for something
just a bit more specific! If I get some small speakers (not sure I can call them "monitors" unless I buy something proper) to mount in a small desk-type workarea, like in a corner of our room, where is it usually best to position the speakers?...
- at eye & ear level,
- above the workarea, where the wall meets the ceiling,
- just stick them wherever (if for such a small space will the results be so poor that I should not even worry about placement),
- try various spots and see what works best,
- or some other plan?[/list:u]