Syntrillium M.D.
Location: USA
Posts: 5124
Posted - Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:16 pm
The infamous 'Younglove DeCrackle Technique', compiled and annotated by forum member, Mel Davis
The Younglove Decrackling Method is a procedure designed by a Cool Edit user and forum participant (Younglove) to remove light crackle from analog-recorded material such as LPs. It is widely admired here for its simplicity and effectiveness. Through experimentation and careful reading of various threads in the forum archives, I pieced the following Younglove for Dummies procedure together.
In order to successfully use Younglove, you must have Cool Edit Pro (1.x or 2.0) or a registered copy of both Cool Edit 2000 and the Audio Cleanup plug-in. If you have CE2K and haven't registered both the program and the plug-in, using the Audio Cleanup plug-in will introduce bell and chime noises to your recording which cannot be removed even after you register, so be sure to register both first.
(Crackle script pasted below)
Copy all lines of the Decrackle script which start with 'Title: CEP 1.2a Decrackle AS-3 44100' and end with 'End' by highlighting them and clicking Edit/Copy, using Start/Programs/Accessories/Notepad, and save it into the default scripts folder as Younglove_Decrackle.scp...C:\Program Files\Cool2000\scripts for CE2K, C:\coolpro\scripts for CEP1.x, or C:\Program Files\Coolpro2\scripts for CEP2
To run the script in Cool Edit 2000, change the reference in line 3 of Younglove's file from Cool Edit Pro's script folder to:
3: C:\Program Files\Cool2000\scripts\decrackle.fft
Before running Younglove, it's a good idea to manually eliminate major clicks and pops that are audible and visible as a sharp spike in the wave by highlighting each one and going to Transform/Noise Reduction/Click and Pop Eliminator and Filling Single Click, or cutting it entirely where that doesn't help, first. (Always zoom in at least three times before Filling a Single Click or cutting it to reduce the chances of taking too much material away.) Particularly if you spend a lot of time doing this, it's a good idea to 'Save As' a separate copy of this partially declicked file, and run the script on that copy. If you don't do this and the script aborts in the middle of running, you can lose your manual declicking work...this happened to me once because I didn't read the dialog windows carefully and didn't understand I was saving changes when I thought I wasn't.
Make a decrackle.fft file. Do this by temporarily cutting and pasting non-music crackle-only segments (as from before and after the track) so that they're all together. Highlight them. Click Transform/Noise Reduction/Noise Reduction, and set to FFT 8192. (Some material, such as a choral record I was working on, benefit from higher FFTs-- these lengthen the amount of time it takes to do the sampling.) Click the Keep Only Noise button, and click Get Profile from Selection. Click OK. In the Profiles box in the Noise Reduction window, click the Save Profile button, and save it in the scripts folder as decrackle.fft. (Don't save it by clicking File/Save Selection, or it won't work; it will say the wave file is in a different format.)
Now in CE, open the wave file you want to decrackle. Click ctrl-A to select the entire wave. Click Options/Script and Batch Processing, and Open/New Collection, and highlight Younglove Decrackle.scp. Now click 'CEP 1.2a Decrackle AS-3 44100'. (If this is greyed out, and Stop Current Script is not greyed out, click Stop Current Script and remove anything from the Title window, and now you should be able to select 'CEP 1.2a'. Make sure Title in the New Script box is empty. To save time, click Edit and uncheck Enable Undo. Click Run Script. After it finishes, listen to it. Save it if you like it. Remember to re-enable Undo if you like that on at other times.
I found that on lightly crackling material, the Younglove script got a few more minor clicks, and avoided the misstep of impinging on music, which a non-Younglove approach occasionally did with lightly crackling material. So it's worth doing. The improvement is small but perceptible. On albums without lightly crackling material, the additional time needed to run Younglove over running Click and Pop Eliminator and Noise Reduction may not be worthwhile. Experimentation will bear out what works best for you and your material.
Syntrillium M.D.
Location: USA
Posts: 5124
Posted - Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:39 pm
The Younglove script...
Title: CEP 1.2a Decrackle AS-3 44100
Description: Paste together all non-signal parts of wave,
Description: get a noise profile from this non-signal wave
Description: and make sure to save it into C:\coolpro\scripts\decrackle.fft .
Description: For this script, the noise profile must be taken from
Description: a 44100 wave file, and the wave file to be decrackled
Description: must be 44100. The selection to be decrackled must be large
Description: enough to accomodate the FFT size used in the NR command.
Description: Run script on original wave.
Description: May turn OFF Undo
Mode: 4
cmd: Channel Both
cmd: Copy
1: 0
cmd: Noise Reduction\Noise Reduction
1: 1
2: 0
3: C:\coolpro\scripts\decrackle.fft
4: 8192
5: 400
6: 19
7: 44100
8: 2
9: 32
10: 8
11: 9.42576e-011
12: 0.00222947
13: 1.75127e-010
14: 1.78127e-005
15: 1000
16: 0
17: 0
18: 2
19: 2
20: 0
21: 1000
22: 16384
23: 1000
24: 0
25: 1
26: 1
27: 0
28: 0
29: 0
cmd: Copy
1: 1
cmd: Noise Reduction\Click/Pop Eliminator
1: 40
2: 32
3: 10
4: 16448
5: 12
6: 0
7: 65
8: 0
9: 0
10: 0
11: 6
12: -11.4
13: -85
14: 3
15: 1
16: 6
17: 0
18: 30
19: 55
20: -40.1
21: 0
22: 0
23: 0
24: 0
25: 0
26: 0
27: 0
28: 0
29: 0
30: 0
31: 0
32: 0
33: 0
34: 0
35: 0
36: 0
37: 0
38: 0
39: 0
40: 0
41: 0
42: 0
43: 0
44: 0
45: 0
46: 0
47: 0
48: 0
49: 0
50: 0
51: 0
52: 0
53: 0
54: 50
55: 0
56: 0
57: 14
58: 20
59: 0
cmd: Paste Special
1: -1
2: -1
3: 3
4: 1
5: 0
6: 0
8: 0
9: 1
cmd: Paste Special
1: 1
2: 1
3: 3
4: 1
5: 0
6: 0
8: 0
9: 0