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 Audiophile question... don't bite
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Location: Australia

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Sat Aug 02, 2003 9:34 pm 

Hey all, I am an extreme noob so please be gentle....

I've searched the forums/tips & tricks but so far have found no solution for my problem. A problem that neally everyone looks to have faced. So here goes. Im re-recording track 1 whilst recording track 2 when multitracking.

I'm running CEP 2.0, XP with an Audiophile 2496.
I have disabled my crappy onboard PC soundcrad and run the "outs" of the Audiophile into the "Tape In" of a Beringer 8ch mixer and the "Tape Out" to the "ins" of the card.

My M-Audio mixer settings are:-
Monitor/Mixer: All maxed, except H/W In1/2 coz im gettin feedback???
Patchbay/Mixer: (HW 1/2)Monitor Mixer (HW OUT SPDIF) Monitor Mixer

CEP settings:-
Device Properties: WAVE OUT- AP Multichannel WAVE IN- AP Multichannel
Device order: (Recording) 1. Multichannel(EV) 2. Mon/Mix
(Playback) 1. Multichannel

Whats goin on? I've farted around with it for ages and I'm getting nowhere. Is it the way I'm running it into my mixer?

Any help would be much appreciated.
Ta. Nugg
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Location: Spain

Posts: 74

Post Posted - Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:52 am 

I don't have an AP. But, I read thru your post a couple times and I can't figure out what you are trying to say is wrong. But I'm assuming you are not able to hear or record thru the AP. The tracks you are hearing the feedback on are probably the tracks you have the ins and outs on.

Try this: Unplug the outs from your soundcard or mute them and then unmute or turn up the volume on the tracks you hear the feedback on. then try recording. If that was your problem, then your mixer was set up to loop the sound back to the AP, thus causing feedback.
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Location: Australia

Posts: 7

Post Posted - Sun Aug 03, 2003 7:02 am 

Hey, thanks for the reply...

Recording is fine. I can record on track 1 with no problems but when it comes to a second or preceeding track, as i play along with the original track it re-records it... like bouncing i guess. I want to stop this so i can just reference off my other recorded tracks. I know it must be a mixer or device setup error as there are lots of posts by users that have experienced similar problems.

My reference to the feedback i was getting wasn't a major concern as i just muted it but i will try your proposed solution. Thanks.

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Location: Spain

Posts: 74